Playing in the attic

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Capítulo 3: Playing in the attic

The attic of the old mansion that once functioned as a cinema was dark because the moon had already covered the entire sky and was ready to rest.

"It will soon dawn," said the cat whose green eyes shone like the only light present in the place. "Well, I'd better go, I'll come back tomorrow, I promise."

"Don't go away," requested the carpet. It's so dark, can you keep me company until dawn?"

"Of course," replied the light brown cat, and curled up and lay down next to his friend the carpet.

"Thank you," she thanked him, and together they waited for the gray lights of dawn.



The two friends were awakened by the sound of chains. It turns out that the fat guy in the room was leaving the house and was securing the entrance gate with a short, thin chain so that no confused parishioners would enter.

"Good morning," the carpet greeted him.

"Good morning friend," replied the cat, who did some stretching. "Well, I'm gonna go to work."

"You're leaving already?"

"Yes, if not who's going to chase the pigeons. I'll come back tonight and bring you a present."

"Thank you, I'll be waiting for you."

The feline took to the streets to fulfill his daily routine of chasing pigeons, stalking mice and paying his daily tribute to the sun by having sporadic sleeps that toasted the fur of his belly.



"What's that noise?" asked the cat as he woke up on one of the ceilings of a market.

"Oh, and Jose Armando cheated on Maria, who is expecting his son."

"And Topaz, who is in love with the owner of the ranch," said another woman.

"As he gallops so well on his horse and with his shirt unbuttoned," another neighbor commented.

"You're talking too loud, shut up!" the cat protested. "Anyway, it looks like the clouds are orange enough as it is. I'd better go to the carpet and give her her present."

Cat went happily to the house when three pitbull were watching him in the distance.

"Look, Mordelón, that's the cat we're talking about," said a dog.

"That miniature?" said Mordelón with a mocking gesture. "Bocón, Cabezón, you guys are such dumb brothers."

"The cat was too fast," excused Bocón.

"Shall we pursue him now?" asked Cabezón.

"No, let's see where he's going first, so we can get a better idea and then set a trap for him," said Mordelón and then followed the cat from a safe distance with his brothers.

"I see my friend the shoe-thrower is back," thought cat as he saw how the entrance gate was no longer secured with the chain.

As he had done before, the feline jumped over the trash can and then over the wall, from there he went to the broken window and headed for the attic.

"Cat, I'm so glad you're here!" The carpet greeted him when she saw her friend.

"I vrouggt yu a brezent" was trying to say cat.


"I'm sorry, I brought you a present," said the cat when he dropped a mouse in front of the carpet.

"Thank you," thanked him as one of her corners tried to move.

"Can't you get It?" cat was asking worried.

"Each time I get better and better," he was reassured by the carpet. "In fact, I couldn't even talk before."

"How can I help you move better?" wanted to know the misifus.

"Play with me," she asked, "the night has just begun and we have plenty of moonlight."

Cat did so and began to play with carpet, he came closer and further away from her jumping, and carpet trying to touch his friend by lifting and stretching little by little her corners.

"You're getting better and better!" she was encouraged by cat, pleased by his friend's increasing mobility.

To congratulate her, he slapped her with a somewhat strong cat's claw.

"Hey, now you'll see!" She threatened him in a funny way, and with great effort, the carpet jumped right over the cat.

"I don't see anything!" said the surprised cat who with his paws tried to get rid of his friend's attack.

"Now you'll see!" said carpet and started to tickle the cat.

Cat was struggling with fun and finally, taking a big leap, he turned the situation around and now it was he who was on the carpet.

The cat's whiskers grazed the carpet surface. The cat's paws were very stretched and held her friend's beautiful silver arabesque frame.

It seemed as if a blush was sweeping across the surface of the carpet and cat noticed his face burning in a pleasant warmth.

"I think I beat you, I'm sorry," he said with a chuckle and scratching nervously at the back of his head.

"No, I thank you because I can move much better now," the carpet was rolled up and standing up. "Now I have nothing to fear from the new moon monster."

"What monster are you talking about?" Suddenly asked the cat with a worried tone.

"He just showed up," replied worried about the carpet. "It comes when the moon doesn't appear in the sky. He started nibbling at the boxes near the door, getting bolder and bolder, and getting closer and closer."

"What is this monster like?"

"It's like the gift you brought me. I didn't see him from the front, but once the caretaker came into the attic with a flashlight looking for I don't know what, and I could see his shadow, it looked a lot like your gift."

"Oh, a mouse, don't worry, my friend. I am an expert in dealing with these things, the next new moon I will surprise him and eat him, I your gallant tiger will protect you from the beast."

"Thank you cat, I know you will," said the carpet with a funny chuckle.

Cat put his head against the side of the carpet and started rubbing it against his friend, while he purred to encourage her and not to worry because she had him to protect her.


A cat in love with a carpet (completed 4/4)Where stories live. Discover now