entry #6

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Have an other song. Fuck you.

burning roses on my back
don't think you'll get me back
I've fallen way too hard
now I'm dead

a ghost, a ghost is my only friend
but it just had to happen
this is the end
it's just a passion of depression

now I'm falling, falling hard
for you, pick a card
your future lies on a rose
the more you owe

the dark sometimes scares me
because it repersents me
a monster out of control
with a burning rose

The stars are explosive
just like you
dangerous and broken
leaving you confused

now I'm falling, falling hard
for you, pick a card
your future lies on a rose
the more you owe

a mask, a flask
and a piece of glass
a mask, a flask
and a piece of glass

now I'm falling, falling hard
for you, pick a card
your future lies on a rose
the more you owe

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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