First Day

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All there is to say is that she's changed.

It was the first day of school, and of course nobody wanted to be back. Everyone all except the freshmen but no one really cared about them unless they tore the school down like the currently new juniors and sophomores did. The new seniors were the last good freshmen class, despite the fact that they all hated each other ever so deeply.

It was lunch time, everybody was scattering around trying either find a place to sit or finding their group of friends to sit with. Everyone except her.

A majority of people have been talking about her today. She was just like them, a classmate, but different. She looked different they all said, she changed they let it synced in. She looked different because she changed.

She was the same girl that everyone knew: crazy, joyful, full of light in life but always talked about the dark. She was quieter, more persistent, more to herself, more content to herself, more happy with herself than anyone alone can ever be. It was the same girl with the last name, Henry.

She had walked into school that morning knowing where she'd go, what she do, but not expecting much to happen but still expecting something unexpected to happen. That was almost her life motto: "expect the unexpected... otherwise get slapped in the face". The last part was all her.

She loved summer, in fact that was the one thing she missed the most, seemingly in her mostly black wardrobe. She loved summer because it wasn't only stress free but school free. Not having to see people from her school who she thought were her friends but left her all alone in the end. Wishing to see some her charismatic, hipster music, concert going, underground bands listeners, photography taking, artsy, third eyed minded, Tumblr addicted friends that were out of town or that pissed her off by not inviting her to over half of the plans they had with each other during the summer.

That's why she seemed so content with herself.

It took her til the last week of June to get her head and life together which resulted in her working out for the rest of the summer, going to sleep at 3, waking up at 8, running around the neighborhood, working out in the garage, stretching in the living room, dancing in the basement.

She spent the rest of her summer mornings and days strengthening her body, her evenings eating and stretching more while watching tv in her bedroom, and the nights on her computer looking up out of state colleges to go to, watching tv shows or movies she hasn't seen, reading books online or of course, on Tumblr reblogging everything that's on her dashboard into her four blogs.

Unlike the people in the lunchroom, she didn't try to find a place to sit, or even try to find people to sit with. She knew where to wanted to sit, and she didn't care who to sit with, as long it wasn't freshmen or even the popular crowd in her grade or the junior grade, she hated them the most.

She went straight through the lunchroom, went outside to the school patio and sat down at one of the picnic tables at the very end. She unpacked her lunch and started eating immediately, she was hungry, it was a long school day morning, for it being the first day of school. She ran her hand through her hair that she just got done the day before, adjusted her classes: the same vintage glasses Patrick Dempsey wore in "Can't Buy Me Love", licked her teeth that were still getting used to her new clear bracket metal braces, crossed her ankles princess-like like Julie Andrews did in "The Princess Diaries", and then turned her phone off of airplane mode.

Now what you're probably thinking, she looks different and changed because she looks like a nerd, right? Wrong.

She looked different because she literally bummed it out wearing yoga pants and snowboots and big t-shirts to school the year prior like the half of the other girls in school because she was stressed out and tired and gave up.

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