Sweet Little Brother - JinMin | JinKook

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"Want me to mess your throat up so bad, Princess?" Jimin groans, throwing his head back, as Seokjin dips his lips against the skin surrounding his cock.

When Seokjin mewls around him, Jimin curses, feeling the younger pulling his pants down till it puddled on his feet. His thighs began numbing as Seokjin bobbed his head enthusiastically, the tip prodding Seokjin's tonsils, yet it wasn't enough for their hearts' content because Seokjin proceeds to sink in balls-deep while his hand was occupied on another pound of meat.

"Faster, princess." Jungkook commands breathily, feeling the laden warmth surrounding him, with Seokjin's thumb playing with the precum on the slit, slicking the head with the membrane. "Jimin, pull out." He said, the buckle of his belt clattered against his thighs as he brushed on Jimin's spot who reluctantly left the cove his dick was nurtured on. Jungkook replaced Jimin's cock on Seokjin's mouth, groaning upon the warmth that enveloped him so well.

Seokjin looked up to them vulnerably from the couch. Jungkook and Jimin looked tempting as sin with their tattoo-botched arms and black shirts, hinting spots of muscles and raw biceps. He dragged Jungkook's pants down whilst not losing the pace of his head, giving Jungkook a hard time not to fuck his throat, milk out, or fuck him on the very spot.

Seokjin reached for Jimin's neglected cock, sliding his wrapped palms around it. Even if it was less intense than Seokjin's lips and throat, Jimin decidedly lets the gesture be, having no other way to please himself with Seokjin's touches.

Jungkook forgot the predicament, moaning Seokjin's name loudly, and bucking his hips against those thick lips.

"Fuck, Jungkook, keep your chill man." Jimin reminds, "If Taehyung catches us fucking with his brother, he'll beat the hell out of us." He winced as he peered at the wall that divides them from Taehyung's room. Seokjin's older brother excused himself to have a quick bath earlier so he grabbed Seokjin to the living room so the guests will be entertained and not seemed rude. What he did was kind but the events that unfolded wasn't his expectations.

Who was Jimin and Jungkook to deny when Seokjin dropped on the sofa with his blonde hair and full lips while shooting them bedroom gazes?

When Taehyung eventually grabbed the towel and disappeared to his room, Seokjin initiated the sultry bramble with a smirk, tinging the two's cocks to life. Seokjin teased them for having a raging boner, but when he pointed on his lips, dotting the tip of his finger on the flesh, saying filthy things about how would they like messing him up while his older brother is away, had Taehyung's workmates on the edge of their seat.

Seokjin popped out, a thin link of saliva bridging from his lips to the tip. He wrapped his fingers around the base and now, both of his hands are occupied.

"Just my mouth?" He said, close to moaning, eyes darting on Jimin to Jungkook.

Jimin furrowed his brows questioningly, evidently not catching up on the latter.

Seokjin chuckled, pulling his sweat pants off, revealing a thin piece of pink lingerie, and kicking it away. His untainted thighs was breath-taking, his average cock stood against the fabric, and the arc slicing the cleavage was doing a poor job. He positioned himself with his back flushed on the head rest, pointer finger playing on his rim, his pink muscled ring, after slipping his fingers on the fabric.

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