Hot Hot Hot - JinKook

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Heat mercilessly poured down against BTS' dorm, inside these four walls felt like an enormous oven. The picture framed by the window was covered with bright hues of oranges and yellows. Not a roof was seen without a thick beam of sunlight drizzling over it. If looked closely, anyone could almost see the small void deforming the images of the roof.

Jungkook lost his very will to gym today and instead, he hadn't unlodged himself from the fortress of his own bed. His body dripped off beads of prespiration and his throat demanded for some sweet, cold drink.

The airconditioning system almost lost its' purpose. The breezy cold won't tiptoe its' way to Jungkook's body, whilst the heat seemed relentenlessly becoming feverish to piping hot as time evolves.

When it seemed reasonable to get out of his room, Jungkook fathomed if he can find refuge in Seokjin-hyung's small room. The compact space would provide an easier flow for the air produced by his brand-new A.C. Like the floor was lava, Jungkook hastes to knock on Seokjin's door by the minute he hopped out of bed. Also, being a big foody his hyung was, he had a small fridge with a bouncing amount of liquids and sodas. Perfect.

Once, twice, thrice... Seokjin-hyung may or may not have been ignoring him.

Fuck it. Jungkook thought so before twisting the door knob. Surely enough, Seokjin may nag him for invading his privacy but the unforgivable heat proved to be too much to bare for the competetetive maknae. The door squeaked and Jungkook saw Seokjin's pastel pink walls littered with a faint streak of the sun. The windows were shaded and voila! The aircon was on.

There was an incessant dripping and splash on the door by the left. Jungkook realized that Seokjin was taking a shower... thrice. Not that he can be blamed. Really. If the maknae can't even overcome this heated torment then that made it much less easier for the hyung who loved his porcelain skin more than getting an ample amount of rest.

He flopped on Seokjin's made bed. His body plopping gently on the pink, delicate sheets. The light shade just made the atmosphere much more digestible and less warm. The illusion was then shattered when the door opened, revealing Seokjin with a towel hanging loosely on his thin waist.

Jungkook just brushed it off, closed his eyes, and relaxed himself on Seokjin's bed.

"I should really lock my door next time." Seokjin muttered, hand scurrying over the pile of underwear.

Jungkoom chuckled, dragging a hotdog pillow which (he knew) was Seokjin's favorite. He breathed into the berry-mixed fragrance while he clenched it with his thighs. "Thanks for the accomodation."

Jin scoffed. "Accomodation my ass."

"Your ass is accomodating in a different way."

Jungkook may not knew it, but Seokjin glared at him in the process of slipping in his boxers. The towel puddled on the floor when Seokjin proceeded to grab an oversized pink shirt; the hem of his neck barely stopping on his shoulder blades, hinting a little bit of Jimin's dominant marks.

The bed bounced after Seokjin threw himself beside Jungkook.

"Just fuck, the day gets hotter by the minute." Seokjin broke the silence, glancing on Jungkook's smug look.

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