Mochi II - Jin x BTS

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It was unspoken between the two, Jungkook and Seokjin, to be on each other when crisis strikes. Even though acting quarrelsome in cameras are bothersome, they make sure that behind the flashing lens is a time shared for comfort and catching up from all the teasing and dissing they have done to each other.

So when Seokjin marched out of the practice room with a boiling hot temper, Jungkook made sure he would find Seokjin first before Taehyung can. It was hectic to be housed in a spacious building, especially when you're finding a specific someone who had wandered off, but Jungkook finally breathed into relief when he heard a muffled voice in, what seemed to be, the make-up room.

That nasality won't lie, that is Seokjin.

Jungkook twisted the knob and Seokjin visibly flinched at the sound of the door clicking. He wheeled around to see the maknae locking the door behind him and proceeds to walk infront of him with an unreadable look, wrapping his fingers on his waist, and pulled their bodies flushed deftly.

"Calmed down a bit?" Jungkook queried, smoothening his tone that he had never used infront of the camera and only utilized to cooldown a specific enraged person. His fingers rubbed lengthwise on his waist, pressing it occassionally like a massage.

Seokjin huffed, brows creased. "He didn't have to go off like that." When he was finished, he had his arms pressed on his chest just as he felt the maknae leaning more intimately against his face.

"Well, you two have issues." Jungkook muttered against his skin, dotting his lips on Seokjin's cheeks as the elder's anger unswells. "Just give each other a chance, yeah?"

Seokjin had to admit, what Jungkook is doing right now felt so helpful and pleasant. It was always like this. When Jungkook had his days, Seokjin's there for him and it's the same for the versa. He can't think much without Jungkook, most specially that the maknae was a first-class adept to tame him when he's driven with emotions beyond his control.

Eventually, when Jungkook rubbed his back next, Seokjin lets his forehead drop on Jungkook's firm chest, exhaling in slight exasperation of the earlier exertion with Jimin.

"I just can't see myself doing it with Jimin. He's too... I don't know? Cute? Childish? I justㅡughhh."

Jungkook chuckled breathily on his neck, "I said give him a chance. Who knows?"

"I don't like taking chances okay?"

"But taking chances got us where we are right now, hyung. You got me when you took a leap of faith."


Jungkook shushed him, tugging on the sleeve of his left shoulders so he had more space to litter on. Seokjin lets the maknae stain his porcelain tone. The fading marks that Namjoon has left was going to be replaced with someone else sooner anyway. Not that he has any choice, but give in to their needs. Jungkook's no exception.

"Let's stop talking about him now if it makes you angrier then." Jungkook gently guided him on the vanity mirror, tugging on Seokjin's hips so that the latter would hoist himself up on the wooden surface (even if Jungkook has strength to do so, but it's interesting for him to know that Seokjin was pliant under his touch and he wanted this as much as he does) with ease, thanks to his height.

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