Chapter 5: Percy

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Okay, I was planning on making this story like, Piper, Annabeth, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Percy, Frank, then Jake, unless I make Leo find Calypso. But, just this once, (hopefully) Percy will be before Jason. Next chapter it will be Jason's POV. Okay, I'm done.

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Did I want Annabeth being a goddess? Yeah. I was planning on us living in the house together, while I age. I'm assuming Zoe will be a demigod, so I can be with her. I have lots of life in me, enough to take care of a baby.

"Percy," my dad said. I grabbed Annabeth's hand and dragged her over with me.

"Child, was that wise?" Poseidon asked "I'm no child of Metis, but-"

"Metis?" I asked "Metis was eaten."

"Never mind!" Poseidon said softly "but, what was your plan?" I told Poseidon my plan, and he nodded when I was done.

"Hmm... Well, congrats for being wise son," Poseidon said jokingly "Annabeth taught you well before you died."

"Never thought I'd hear you say that," Annabeth said, giggling. Poseidon smiled, though I could see he wasn't looking forward to me being mortal.

"Bye Perseus," Poseidon said, which kind of surprised me. He only called me that, like, once. "Athena wants to speak to you." Crap. When Athena

wants to talk to me, I feel like she's probably going to explode again. Or try to kill me. I've died enough already. I walked to Athena.

"Perseus." Athena said "good job. Now my daughter can marry a god! Maybe even Poseidon. Rumor has it Amphitrite and Poseidon are divorced. Oh, maybe Ares. Aphrodite and Ares are through. Long gone! Hm... Maybe-"

"Mom," Annabeth interrupted "I'm sorry, can you make Percy a god?"

"No! Why would I do that?" Athena asked angrily "Perseus isn't worthy of becoming a god! He's just a sea scum like Poseidon! May as well ask me to marry Kelp Face the first! I'm never ever making Kelp Face the third a god!"

"Percy," Annabeth turned to me sadly "I'm sorry, I'm going to have too many responsibilities as a goddess. I can stay with you until Zoe is born, and I'll have to leave you. But I will love you till the day you die. Even more, in fact. I may remarry. Would you mind?"

"No," I said sadly "as long as your happy. That's all that matters." I hugged her, and went to the elevator. I smiled at her, and the doors slid open. I waited. The elevator played Turn Down For What, a song made back in my days. The elevator slid open with a pleasant Ding, then I heeled a cab and went home, wanting to cry.

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