I am with you at last

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I am not any average girl.

Copyright 2012

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1

"SCARLETT!" Is all I hear before I'm spun aroundand attacked by somebody in a huge hug.I giggled and hugged him back. We released from the hug and I collected my luggage that was now allover the ground and headed towards the van. This summer is going to be amazing,not only am I touring with my amazing best friend, but I am touring with no other than One Direction. The famous boyband that are on walls of millions of girls rooms. I bet you are wondering who this boy that I am best friends with is? Who I am, and how I know him, right? Well, let me tell you!”


My name is Scarlett, best friend of no other than, Liam James Payne. Yes, he is part of the One Direction. I have been best friends with Liam since I was very young; we grew up together and we were always there for each other.When one of us got hurt we were at the others side like that! *snap* I helpedhim with his singing career and life. When he went to the X-Factor I wouldn't leave my rooms for daysbecause he was my best friend, my only friend. He was the only one I trusted.He was gone for so long I couldn't function correctly; he is like my other half. I know it is weird,but we have been inseparablesince we first met. When Liam got stood up by this girl, I ended up threatening her to stay away from him and beating her up. Liam is like my brother, and nobody messes with MY FAMILY!


"So... how are these boys?" I ask when we are finally at Liam's flat.

"They are great Scar. You will love them!" I swear his face is going to break when he erupts into a huge smile. I giggle and start skipping around his flat, it's quite nice.

"I'm sure I will! MUSIC!?" He nods and we blast the stereo and start dancing around the room like old times. I missed this! A slow song comes onand Liam and I start dancing together, but of course my two left feet have to ruin it and I fallbackwards flying over the chair. Liam comes with my and soon we are on both lying on the floor next to each other. He starts laughing and I give him a playful glare and laugh too. Before I know it Liam is on top of me with his hips locked on mine so I can't move, tickling me like crazy.

~My ONLY weakness~

"L-L-LIAM! S-ST-O-OP!" I screach as he tickles me harder.

"Can't do that love." He chuckles and leans down kissing me on my cheek before getting up. He put his hand out for me and I grabbed it as he helped me up. I threw my arms around his shoulders and engulfed him into a hug. After we hugged, I started to run down this hall I saw as we were dancing.




"I know." Somebody that did NOT sound like Liam said from behind me. I screamed and took off running towards Liam. When I reached him I jumped up into his arms.

"SomebodyisinyourflatandinsteadofyouansweringmetheydidandIdon'tknowwhoitisandhelp!"I managed to spit out as I pushed Liam towards the door, but all he did was laugh.

"LIAM! THERE IS A BURGALER OR MURDERER IN YOUR FLAT AND YOU LAUGH!" I scream and smack his across the face. His hand went up to his face and I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly ran to Liam and jumped into his arms burying my head in his chest and grabbing his neck tightly.

"Hi? I'm Zayn, Liam's roommate and band member." I ooked up at Liam, who was still shocked I slapped him and glared at him.

"You could have said that." I say as I jump down rom Liam's arms and kiss his cheek. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"What are you, a couple?" Zayn joked. I sent him a lare and ran over to him engulfing im in a hug. He looked taken aback, but returned it. I started jumping p and down and wailing my arms in the air, which is what I always do when I am excited.

"Where are the other boys?" I asked still jumping around.

"At their flat, we are supposed to head over to Louis and Harry's now. You guys coming?" I nodded and so did Liam.

"I just have to get ready." I say before taking off towards my luggage,I grabbed my cloths and makeupbag, when I realize. I don't know where the bathroom is. I quickly ran back tothe living room and spot Zayn on the couch.

"Ummm.... where is the-"

"Right there." He said pointing towards a room down the hall,busy on his phone.


"No problem love." I smiled to myself and walk into the bathroom,I quickly shut and locked the door behind me and changed into my cloths. I looked into the mirrow and quickly fixed my hair so it looked wavy. Then I apllied my makeup and ran out the door, I threw my cloths into my luggage and ran inti the living room. The boys saw me and quickly got up. Liam walked over to me and put his arm around my waist as we walked out the door.

~A/N~ Since I am finally home, I CAN WRITE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! So since I love the name Scarlett and love One Direction I thought, why not put them both together!? So I did, and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway thanks for reading and read my other story! Thanks for readin!




Love ya muffins xx 

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