Lou and El

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I am not any average girl.

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter Thirteen

~Louis' P.O.V~


"Yea Lou?"

"Why do you think Liam is so mad?" I turned to him and watched as he thought.

"I honestly don't know. I mean I guess cos he told us all not to go after her...."

"But do you think he would be that mad cos of it?"

"Nah, I guess not..."

"Do you think he.... likes her?" I asked and bowed my head.

"But... he has Danielle and he did kinda... you know..." He said bowing his head.

"Leave her." I finished and he slowly noddded. Sighing I got up off the couch and made my way to the kitchen. Searching around the kitchen I found the room service menu.

"Nialler wanna order room service?"

"Yea, bring the menu in here." He called as I made my way to the living room. Sitting back down I threw the menu on his lap and focused on the t.v. "I'll order, what do you want?"

"Ummm... Just a chicken wrap." He nodded and picked up the phone and ordering the food. After about five minutes he finally finished ordering. Managment must really love our appetites, espeically Niall's.

"So, how is you and Eleanor?" I looked up at him and realized I hadn't talked to her in days. I gasped and ran into the bedroom grabbing my phone. I unlocked it and scrolled threw the contacts until I got to El and hit call.




'Hello?' She slurred. There was loud music in the background and I could barely hear her.

"El, it's Louis. Are you ok?"

'Like you need to know.' She spat.

"El? What's wrong?"

'What's wrong!?' She screeched into the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear a little.

"El? What did I do?"

'You didn't call meh or text meh for days. Also I see pictures of you in this giiirrll.' She slurred.

"El, I didn't cheat."

'Then wh- AHHHHHHH!'

"El! El? ELEANOR!?" I screeched into the phone. I released the phone from my ear to see she had hung up. Running out of my room, I ran to Niall.

"Niall! IwasonthephonewithEleanorandweweretalkingandthenshegotcutoffandtherewasascream!" (For anyone who didn't make out what that said it said, I was on the phone with Eleanor and we were talking and then she got cut off and there was a scream) I looked at Niall who had gone pale.

"Where was she?"

"I don't know, but there was loud music and she was wasted." I cry out.

"Ummmm, call managment and tell them. Maybe they can track her phone or something. But first call her back." Whipping out my phone I clicked on her number and put it on speaker. I didn't realize I was shaking until Niall put his hand on my shoulder.

'Hello?' A deep male voice answered. I looked at Niall who looked just as confused.

"Hi, is Eleanor there?" The person chuckled darkly.

'Oh, her. Yea, she is here. What's it to ya?' He spat.

"Can I talk to her?"

"Nope, and you can't know where she is either." Listening closly to the background I noticed there was no music only whimpering.

"Let me talk to her! Where is she? Who are you?" I screech into the phone. There was banging on the door as Niall ran to get it.

'You really wanna know?'

"Yes!" I yell into the phone.

'Meet me tommarow at midnight at 357 Main street. Come ALONE! And bring nothing that can be tracked.'

I nodded, but realized he couldn't see me. "Yes!"

"Good, see you then." He chuckled before ending the call. The phone slipped out of my hand and dropped on the floor. I slid down the wall covering my head in my hands. Sobs racked through my body as I thought of what could happen to El.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

"Liam did you hear that?" I call running into his room.

"Yea, what was that?"

"I think it came from Lou and Nialler's room!" We looked at each other running out of the room and towards their room. We banged on the door as it flew open.

"What's goin on?" Liam asked. Niall motioned us in frantically and we rushed into the living room. I could hear screams in the distant. We made our way into the living room where Lou was on the phone screaming.

"Yes!" He yell into the phone.

'Meet me tommarow at midnight at 357 Main street. Come ALONE! And bring nothing that can be tracked.' Somebody said.

He nodded and screamed, "Yes!"

"Good, see you then." They chuckled before ending the call.

After that the phone slipped out of his hand and he slid down the wall and sobs racked his body. Niall pulled us into the kitchen and motioned for us to take a seat.

"What happened?"

"Well, first Lou and I were talking and I asked him how him and El were and I guess he hasn't talked to her in a while so he called her. And they were talking and I guess she screamed and the line went dead." We all sucked in a sharp breath before he countinued. "So he came out and told me and I told him to call her back. So he did and there was that voice of the phone. He asked where El was and he wouldn't tell him anything. And you know the rest..." He sighed and got up and made his way to the living room. I looked at Liam and we both got up and made our way to the living room. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Harry and Scarlett.

Hurry up and get to Lou's room. Something happened and we need your help. I'll explain when you get here.

I nodded and sent it before going to help Lou.

~A/N hyia guys sorry for taking so long. I have horrible writers block. Now, who saw that coming? I sure surprised myself! There is going to be a couple surprises throughout the next few chapters. All I am going to say is be prepared for the worst, the best and the scariest. Anyhoo thanks everybody who has read! Oh and Makenzie, I updated! LOL.




Love ya muffins xx

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