enrique (saturdays)

707 69 25

i first met you on that bus where you took up an entire seat for yourself. you were wearing all black (again) except for a fucking hideous vneck that was white. your faded brown boots weren't steel-toed this time, you said. and even though it was scheduled to be over 80 degrees today you wore that same black beanie with that same little curl peeking out the side. i was hungry and wanted to peel my orange but i couldn't because the skin was too thick (something i soon realized couldn't be confined to only fruit). i saw the other boys handing theirs to you to peel, so i gave you mine. you took it and took out a switchblade from a pocket in your skinny jeans and pierced the rind with it. you peeled it with the switchblade (you told me later you could've gotten suspended for that but you wanted to see if the blade could cut the skin better than your smirk could cut mine). after you were done you gave it back to me and stuck the end of the knife in your mouth and curled your tongue around the sticky blade and licked the juice off. you wiped your fingers on the pleather of the seat although i wished you stuck them in my mouth so i could show you i could clean up messes, too. (this skill came in handy with you later.) i spent the rest of the night thinking about how you ran your tastebuds over the edge and how i wanted to learn to be as fearless as you.

uhm so this is pretty,,,,
fucking bad uhhh... just
couldn't stop thinking
about him ahahaAha
i promise i'll be back
with some actual poetry
later just,,,,enjoy my
pining i guess <3333

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