love&loss inn

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the paint is peeling from the walls, the sticky wallpaper curling in on itself as i lay lifeless on the pillows that are stuffed with the velvety sweet nothings you fed me with (you spit them from your mouth and into mine, they're smeared on the pillowcase now).

caramel is dripping from the cracks in the walls and i wanna lick it off, because it looks like your skin and i just have to taste you one last time while i still have a mouth that can taste.

searching for the right words to say, i look under the bed but it's just the monsters that you should've warned me about. i grab the phone sitting on the desk and dial 1-800-where-are-u, and diablito picks up and says i'm sorry, the person you are trying to get ahold of is busy, and he wants you to know he should've left your fucking body somewhere they couldn't find it.

it's now when i feel the warm pulse of the butterscotch you've glued my ribs back together with. no matter that my heart isn't there anymore! i'm not scared of that because you bought my heart (it only took the promise of a prince to give me a happy ending for the night) and pawned it for some bleach to soak your lips and hands and thighs in because you want to make sure no evidence is left on your skin.

but i'm tired of finding bleeding love on the broken mattresses of $30 motel rooms. i don't want to want to lick the bathroom floors because you've touched it. and there's never any peace and quiet in my room because you've left the tv on the news that's blaring a 20 year-old was found dead in a moldy motel room with posies blooming out of their chest in what appears to be a desperate attempt at suicide prevention. (damn, they understand me better than me.) i've already determined my own cause of death, asphyxiation due to choking on my own marshmallowy blood.

and you're glad, but you should be! because you got away with murder, you ángel de muerte! you sucked the soul from my body from between my thighs and now you'll find another way to keep your legacy alive and rejoice! rejoice! my prince has become a king!

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