1. Moving On

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Since early in the morning when I woke up that I feel a little nervous. Today is the day when my life will change. High school was done, and summer was ending, and it is time to move on to the next stage of my life. College here I come.

I had just finished packing, said goodbye to my friends for the last time and I get ready to go to the airport, my mother checked one last time if I have everything I needed while my brother teases me with his false happiness of getting rid me.

I got in the car and while I look back, I saw for the last time the house where I lived all my life ... of which I had so many good memories ... as well as bad ones.

I will miss my home so much, my life here...

It was a long drive from home to the airport but finally we arrived, my mother gave me the last warnings like "be careful with parties and guys", "behave", "listen to your uncles" and more than everything expressed her displeasure that I chose to go to England to study. Since the day I said that I wanted to go to England to study that my parents tried to change my mind but failed. I understand their fear, but I cannot live my life with fear of something from my past, which I don't even remember.

I have been living half a live ... I wish I could remember the other half.

I finally landed in England, it was my first time on a plane (at least as far as I can remember) and I loved it! Unfortunately my experience on the floor was not going so well. I had just arrived and things were already going badly for me, the airport staff couldn't find my luggage... and that was two days of packing down the drain.

It had been a long morning and I was exhausted so I went to get some coffee and once there I decided to get something to eat and while sitting at one of the glass tables scattered around the counter I noticed a boy with light brown hair, brown eyes, nice figure and a beautiful smile holding a piece of card in my hands in which my name was written. Upon seeing him, I finished the last piece of my cake, took my coffee and my backpack and I went to him.

" Hi ... " - I started to approach him with a bit of fear - " You must be Cameron ... I'm Alex ." - I introduced myself even though he must remember me.

"Hey! I'm Cameron...your cousin" - he introduced himself.

"Right ... my parents told me you would pick me up but ... I don't really recognize you, I'm sorry ..." - I started feeling bad for not being able to recognize my own cousin.

"I know ... that's ok." - he said with a friendly smile that somehow seemed familiar. - "Don't you have luggage?" - He asked looking at my empty hands and seeing only the backpack.

"I used to, but the smart guys that work in the airport lost my bags" - I explained - "They say maybe next week they will send them home."

"Ok ... so let's go. It's a long drive back home." - He finished as we headed to the car.

The trip was really long, but at least we could see the beautiful scenery that surrounded us and I also got to know Cameron, who was extremely friendly and very funny, it was impossible to be with him without laughing. He told me how close we were when we were younger, he told me about all the things and games we used to have and told me how he hadn't seen me since my accident, which made me a little sad. I wish I remembered him or the games we used to have or really... anything before the accident.

With time some of my memories came back, my parents, my brother, some of my old friends and a few memories from my past but everything related to England was a black hole in my mind, no memory of people, places ... not even the accident itself.

It had been a long drive but finally at the distance I saw a cute little sign that said "Holmes Chapel", we drive by and we got into the small village, it was beautiful, and I was fascinated. It was so rustic and beautiful it looked like it came out of a movie ... these are the moments that make me wish I remembered being here before.

When we arrived, we saw a beautiful house, as Cameron parked on the driveway. This house was the literal definition of a perfect white fence house with the most beautiful garden that I had ever seen and at the entrance to the house a couple was waiting for us with a big smile.

"Honey, how was your trip?" - Asked my aunt approaching and hugging me.

"It was good, tiring but good." - I replied feeling strangely comfortable with that hug.

"How is your mother and your bother?" - Asked my uncle as we started to move towards the house.

"Sad with my departure, but otherwise good." - I replied, entering the house and having a strong feeling of déjá vu, the decoration, the colors seemed familiar. Looking at the living room I started remembering hearing loud laughs and seeing a happy family gathered around the table. I couldn't recognize any of their faces but it just was a heartwarming feeling...it felt like home.

The house was neither too big nor too small, but it was beautiful, spacious and welcoming. My aunt had tea and cookies waiting for us, Cameron and I ate some while my aunt asked me some questions about my life back home, and when we finished eating Cameron took me up to my room.

"This is your room." - he said opening a black wooden door leading to a room with a big window, white walls, with a big bed full of pillows, a desk right in front of the window, a white closet , and a beautiful bookshelf with books and nightstands with two beautiful lamps. The room was very well decorated and in shades of red, my favorite color. - "My room is right in front of yours ..." - he continued pointing to the door behind us - "... so if you need anything just let me know, okay?"

"Thank you ..." - I replied entering "my" room.

"Get some rest" - he said with a smile leaving and closing the door behind him.

I put my backpack on the floor and lay on the bed looking around and admiring the room. This room was so obviously mine, the youngest me, the colors, the teddy bears, the books that were my favorites when I was younger, or so I have been told, some photos of me and Cameron and my brother, some old bracelet and hair pins ... I wish I could remember the last time I was here. And something tells me that soon I will...

I thought before I fell asleep.

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