Chapter 1

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It has only been a few hours after the accident. Paul and Patryck were seen walking in a open field which stretched miles upon miles. It wasn't long for them to find a place which happens to be an abandoned warehouse. Patryck looked at Paul who had a massive bloody scar over his right eye that needs to be treated and fast.

Patryck has always been worried about his fellow partner and fellow pilot ever since the day when they both meet each other at boot camp. They became friends and went on missions together under orders of the Red Leader.

Patryck snaps out of his thoughts and focused on finding something for Paul's eye. He looked all over till he found a metal box and opened to see that there was medical supplies. Patryck closes the lid to the box before walking over to Paul and began treating his wound.

"Ow, ow, that....hurts so badly" whined Paul who was trying to stay still while he let Patryck treat his eye. "I know it hurts, but please let me atleast help you Paul" said Patryck as he was carefully putting some ointment onto Paul's eye. After a few minutes, Patryck wrapped Paul's eye up in white medical bandages. "How long will my eye take to heal?" asked Paul as Patryck was putting stuff back into the box. "Well....when we crashed, some of glass from the cockpit shattered and one piece of glass managed to cut your eye from top and across to the other side. But it's nothing to worry about" said Patryck. "Was the glass deep enough to my eye socket?" asked Paul who was unsure. "No, Paul, it wasn't" said Patryck as Paul sighed in relief.

After putting things back into the box, Patryck didn't want Paul to hurt himself even more so he went on to count their remaining ammunition. Paul who was watching him count, grew bored and decided to get up and go outside to smoke a cigar. Upon walking up to the doors of the warehouse, Paul was about to lit the cigar in his mouth till he was suddenly grabbed by an unseen force.

"Alright Paul, I'm done counting the ammunition and it turns we have enough to continue on our way. We should be able to find another place so we can-" Patryck was about to finish his sentence till he noticed that Paul was nowhere to be seen. "Where could he possibly have gone off to?" asked Patryck to himself. Patryck then realizes that he needs to find Paul, before grabbing a shotgun and went outside. Upon going outside Patryck looked around till he spotted a figure up on a hill before running up the hill to see if it was Paul.

Once Patryck made it up the hill, he was relieved to see Paul before walking over to him. "Oh Paul there you are. You nearly gave me a heart attack back there, but atleast you're safe" said Patryck who was making his way to Paul. As soon as he went over to Paul, he was shocked to see Paul tied up. "Paul, who did this to you?" asked Patryck who seemed a little scared. "Patryck get out of here, now!" said Paul who looked terrified. "Huh? What do you mean?" asked Patryck who was confused and before he could do anything, he felt something cold against the back of his neck. "Well, well look what we have here. Isn't it Prince Charming who's gonna save the dansel in distress" said a strong Norwegian accented voice. Patryck slowly turns his head to see Tord, the Red Leader who was also their boss standing with a pistol at his neck.

"T-Tord...??? Wh-what are you...doing here..???" asked Patryck who was trembling but kept his ground. Well sorta. "I thought I told you two....morons not to call me that. I go by Red Leader, get it right" snarled Tord who pointed the pistol at Patryck. "'t shoot me, now would you?" said Patryck who was sweating very badly. He knew not to question his leader. "Heavens no, that would be a waste. I'm not gonna shoot you" said Tord who forced a smile on his face. "You aren't?" asked Patryck. "No, but I want you Patryck, to shoot someone for me" said Tord before seeing Patryck lower his shotgun. "You do? Who do you want me to shoot for you?" asked Patryck. "Oh...I want shoot a certain person who's been....bothering me" said Tord slowly yet calmly as he handed the pistol to Patryck. "Okay then, who is this person?" asked Patryck while getting a grip on the pistol.

"The person that I want you to kill is....the one who's kneeling in ropes before you" said Tord. "Wait....what?" asked Patryck before looking at Paul who had a scared expression on his face. "No, no, you can't be serious. He's...he's like one of your best pilots and soldiers. You can't do this" said Patryck. "Oh but I can. I've been watching you two for quite a longtime and to be honest I always hated when you two do dumb things together. After seeing you two crash into, what you call it, a cloudberg I decided that enough is enough. So instead of having the rest of the Red Army to kill one of you two off, I decided to let you, Patryck, to do the job for me" said Tord who had an evil smirk on his face.

Patryck who wasn't believing what he was hearing can only shutter a few things "I...I..." "Go ahead Patryck, shoot him. I know that you're a good soldier who carries out every order I give you and never backs down from them, so...what's it gonna be? Shoot him, shoot him now" said Tord. " w-wouldn't" said Paul who was starting to cry. "I...I...can't" said Patryck who was also starting to cry. "Are you deaf or something? I gave you a direct order, soldier. Come on. Do it" said Tord who was getting a bit impatient. "Patryck....please....please....don't. I'm....I'm....begging you....please....don't" said Paul who had tears streaming down one eye. Patryck who was badly shaking along with the pistol in his hands suddenly felt anger rushing from within him. "I....I.....CAN'T!!!!" yelled Patryck who was crying hard. "Huh? You....what?" asked Tord who seemed a bit surprised at Patryck's sudden outburst. "YOU HEARD ME!!! I CAN'T JUST SHOOT MY PARTNER WHO'S ALSO MY LOVER!!! IF YOU WANT HIM DEAD, THAN DO IT YOURSELF!!!! HECK IF YOU'RE THAT DESPERATE TO GET RID OF US BOTH, YOU CAN SHOOT BOTH ME AND PAUL THEN!!!" yelled Patryck who never in his life has ever yelled at his boss nor his superior before. "Fine then. If that's what you want, I'll be happy to do it myself. I don't need two useless and idiotic soldiers like you. Goodbye forever" said Tord before walking off.

When seeing Tord walk off, Patryck suddenly rushes over to Paul and hugged him. "I'm...I'm so sorry, Paul" said Patryck through his pain tears. "It's not your fault. You did what you have to do and I'm grateful for it. Thank you" said Paul who placed his head against Patryck's chest. "So...what now? I basically got us both discharged from the Red Army and we have nothing to live for" said Patryck. "Don't say that Patryck, we have each other and that's the only thing that matters" said Paul. "Paul, I never though I'll be saying this you" said Patryck. "I also wanted to say this to you ever since the day we first meant at boot camp....I love you too" said Paul who had a smile on his face. "C'mon let's get going. We have a world to save" said Patryck before undoing the ropes thus freeing Paul. "Yeah, we sure do" said Paul before getting up and walking with Patryck. While they were walking down the hill they were seen holding hands all the way back to the warehouse.  

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