Chapter 6

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It was almost time for the crack of dawn to start cracking. That doesn't right does it? Anyway, Edd was staring out the window looking at the treehouse along with keeping an eye out for any sudden movement. "Edd you've been staring out of that window for the past two hours, just give it up already" said Tom. "I can't Tom, I need to keep a watch out in case if those three treehouse takers come" said Edd without looking away from the window. "But Edd look, I'm tired, you're tired, and even Matt is tired. Can't we just get a few minutes of shut eye?" asked Tom while ending his sentence with a yawn. Matt who wasn't protesting against Edd was asleep on the couch due to exhaustion. "Oh I'm a handsome fellow, oh yes I am. Now give my Nobel Peace prize and my Oscar award for being too good looking already" muttered Matt in his sleep. "Oh would you quit your whining already Tom? I mean just look at Matt, he's not complaining" said Edd while taking a minute to look at Tom. "He's not normal that's why" said Tom. Just as Tom said this Matt was kissing his mirror like he was kissing his awards in his dream. "Oh okay then.....very well. Alright Tom, you can rest, but in five minutes you're keeping watch. Got it?" asked Edd before looking back out of window. "Sure thing Edd" said Tom before collapsing onto the ground and falling asleep.

*A Few Hours Later*

"Oh god, I already ran through my last can of Cola like it was nothing. I guess I need to get another one just to be safe. Ah actually, I might need to the whole entire batch" said Edd before getting up. While Edd was heading off to the kitchen to get more Cola, he suddenly felt the ground shaking. "What the? Why is the ground shaking?" asked Edd before quickly going over to window. To his surprise, he saw Eduardo climbing over the fence and into Edd's backyard. "Oh no you don't" said Edd before running outside. Edd then sees Eduardo walking over to the treehouse but Edd runs up to him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing Eduardo?" asked Edd as Eduardo turned to look at him. "Oh...hehe....I just came to get my treehouse which you stole from me" said Eduardo. "I didn't steal the treehouse Eduardo, besides it was never yours to begin with" said Edd. "Oh yes it is mine Edd and nothing's gonna change that" said Eduardo. "Oh no it's not. No matter what you do to me, I will never let you get this treehouse not now, not ever, not even in a million years. If you want to take from me than you're gonna have to go through my. cold. dead. body" said Edd with anger in his eyes. "Ah well....I knew you were gonna say something like that. I tried doing this the easy way but now I'm gonna have to this the hard way. Boys!" yelled Eduardo while snapping his fingers.

Once Eduardo did this, Edd prepared himself at anything on what Eduardo plans to throw at him, but instead a telegraphic beam appeared and surrounded Eduardo before making him vanish right before Edd's eyes. "What the? How did he do that? Where did that beam came from?" asked Edd. Before Edd could process on what just happened, a flying saucer suddenly appeared over Edd's house. "What is that thing? No way...that can't be what I think it is. It's a UFO" said Edd in wonder. "That's right Edd. It is a UFO and- crap! Thanks a lot Mark! Now you got me to say UFO instead of flying saucer" said Eduardo through a microphone. "Aww lighten up Eduardo, it's not that bad" said Jon through the mic. "Oh shut up you" said Eduardo angrily. Afterwards a sound of a fist came through the microphone as sign of Eduardo punching Jon in the face. "Oh great...I wasn't expecting them to have a UFO. Where's Matt and Tom when I need them? No scratch that...where's Tom and his harpoon when I need them?" asked Edd.

*Inside The UFO*

"Ow! Why would you punch me for a second time?" asked Jon while rubbing his face. "That's because you don't shut up" snarled Eduardo. "Hey guys....I think I got something on radar" said Mark. "What is it?" asked Eduardo while coming over to Mark. Eduardo sees Matt looking up and saying something to them. "What is he saying? Can you get audio on this thing?" asked Eduardo.

Mark then types something on a dashboard and pulls up a volume meter before zooming up on Matt. "Oh guys, down here. Can you see me? I'm waving both of my arms at you" said Matt. "Uhh yeah we can see you. Can you hear us? Okay good, listen up you, tell Edd that he'll be facing the wrath of me, nuermo uno Eduardo" said Eduardo through a mic. "Uhh....I'm pretty sure you guys can hear me. I mean you're kinda high up in the sky" said Matt. "What the? I said tell Edd that he'll be facing the wrath of nuermo uno me" said Eduardo. "Hang on, let me try to communicate to you by using my signal flags" said Matt while pulling out two signal flags.

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