Chapter 4

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"Umm...sorry if I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Edd and welcome to my house" said Edd. "Gee thanks. We heard so much about you from Matt on the way here" said Patryck. "Oh really? Did he say anything nice about me at all?" asked Edd. "Uhh...yeah, he did" said Paul. "That's good" said Edd with a smile. After a few minutes of walking, Edd shows both Patryck and Paul their room. "Here you go guys, I hope it's cozy for all of your comfort needs" said Edd. "Gee thanks" said Patryck. Paul goes into the room first before picking up a bass guitar and pulled back one of the strings which made a small "tang" sound. "Ugh....I need a minute to think about what I just saw today. Maybe a session with my- what the? Why are they in my room?" asked Tom as he came by. "Oh I'm letting both of them have it" said Edd. "Have it? Edd, you gave me this room and now you're kicking me out of it. Why?" asked Tom.

"Oh come on Tom, it's not a big deal. They're just staying here for awhile till they leave. I promise that they won't do any harm" said Edd. As soon as Edd said this Paul accidentally dropped Tom's bass which made Tom freak out big time. "No! Susan!" yelled Tom who quickly came to where his bass was. "Wait....did he just say Susan?" asked Paul. "I think he did" said Patryck. "Oh Susan....don't worry, I'm here. Are you okay? Did...did he hurt you?" asked Tom while carefully pulling back one of the strings which made another "tang" sound meaning that his bass was fine. "Well that's a relief that your bass is fine, right Tom?" asked a Edd. "No it's not fine. I spent hours upon hours making sure that Susan was perfectly in tune, but look where all that progress went to. I don't want these two....idiots in my room ever" said Tom. "Okay, okay fine. They can sleep in that large closet that we never use" said Edd while pointing at a closet a couple of doors down the hallway. "Closet? I don't want to sleep in a closet, they're too dark and scary. Besides they have way too many spiders, way too many" said Paul. "Well....I didn't know that you are afraid of small places and spiders, but now I do. There's got to be somewhere in my own house that you can possibly sleep in" said Edd while thinking on a place. "Hey guys, I have an idea to where they can stay at" said Matt who came in. "Really? What is it exactly?" asked Tom. "Well follow me if want to see it" said Matt.


"This better not be a prank Matt" said Edd. "Oh don't worry, it isn't" said Matt. "Just hurry up and show us already" complained Tom. "Behold! I, Matt, present to you a....treehouse" said Matt while standing below a large treehouse. "Whoa...." said Edd while looking up at it. "Uhh...where did you get this treehouse from?" asked Tom. "Oh I borrowed it from a guy" said Matt. "You borrowed it? I hope you told the person that you will be taking it" said Tom. "Oh I did. They were perfectly cool about it. I swear" said Matt.

*Meanwhile Next Door*

"Eduardo, why we are out here?" asked Jon. "Oh that's simple. Today I'll be showing you this awesome treehouse that I ordered on the back of a comic book" said Eduardo. "Oh that's cool, but.....isn't the treehouse supposed to be in a tree?" asked Mark. "Yes, yes it's supposed to be. Why are you asking?" asked Eduardo. "'s because....the treehouse isn't even in the tree where it's supposed to be" said Mark. "Huh? Of course it's in a tree. That's where all treehouses are meant to be. What makes you think that they're- oh my god!" yelled Eduardo. "See told you it wasn't there, but wouldn't believe me" said Mark. "Why!? Who stole my treehouse!? It had everything that a regular treehouse doesn't" said Eduardo before falling to his knees. "Oh cheer up Eduardo, it could be worse. You could of win second place in a drawing contest and have a bad relationship with your neighbor who's also your arch-enemy. Oh already have all of those things happen to you before and you're currently facing them" said Jon. " dare he steal my treehouse right behind my back. EDD YOU'RE SO GOING TO PAY!!!" yelled Eduardo.

*Back With Edd, Matt, and Tom*

"Now with all that explanation out of the way, I hope you two will enjoy staying up in a treehouse" said Matt. "Oh we will, right Paul? Paul?" asked Patryck while seeing Paul making his up to the treehouse. "Come on up Patryck, this treehouse is amazing" said Paul before Patryck followed behind him. "Okay Tom, they get a treehouse and you get to keep your room" said Edd. "Yeah...and just to make sure that I keep it, nobody is going to be touching my stuff" said Tom. "Good idea Tom. How are you going to do that?" asked Matt. "Easy, by labeling everything that I own and use for everyday purposes. I'm going go do that now" said Tom before heading back inside. "Speaking of everyday purposes, I need to get ready for an event that I'll be going to" said Matt before walking away only to get hit in the head by a snowball that seemly came out of nowhere. "What the?" said Edd who saw this. "M-My face...! My beautiful face..!" yelled Matt who was panicking.

"I was expecting to hit you, Edd and not Matt" said Eduardo who was on the other side of the fence. "Eduardoooo.....I should have known that it was you" said Edd. "Hehe...and I should of known that it was you who stole my treehouse" said Eduardo. "Your treehouse? That's funny, I thought Matt borrowed- wait a minute....Matt did you seriously stole it from Eduardo when he wasn't looking?" asked Edd. " I didn't" said Matt while wiping some snow off of his face. "Liar. You stole it, so just admit it" said Eduardo. "Okay fine.....I stole it. There I said it" said Matt. "Alright, he admitted it now can we please just let it go and go our separate ways" said Edd. "Yeah...I guess you're right. I'll come back tomorrow with both Jon and Mark along with a giant crane just to get back my treehouse. See you either dusk or as early as the crack of dawn. Numero uno Eduardo out" said Eduardo before lowering himself down. "Oh it's so going to be one" said Edd.

"Are you seriously going to fight over this treehouse? I mean, it's just a treehouse" said Matt. "No Matt, it's not just a treehouse. I can't just sit back and let Eduardo take this an opportunity to win" said Edd. "I see your confidence and your ambition, but....don't you think you it out...?" asked Matt cautiously. " is....just...oh my goodness Matt. Do you really think that I'll call a truce with Eduardo?" asked Edd who was laughing at what Matt said. "Uhh......yes, yes I do" said Matt as Edd stopped laughing and gave him a serious expression. "Listen Matt, I know you don't want this whole situation about whoever gets the treehouse to happen, but it's going to happen. I mean, I don't want it either but since Eduardo has been a jerk to me since childhood and hasn't given me any respect as of now, I just don't really see myself making it up to him" said Edd. "But....don't you think it's time?" asked Matt. "Oh god Matt....I hate to break this to you....but no, it's not time. It's not even a good time now. Face it Matt, we're going to be enemies, well actually rivals, for the rest our lives and that's final. Now if you excuse me, I'm going back inside just so I can take a nap so I can be well rested for....whatever time Eduardo decides to come back" said Edd before walking away and going back inside. "Well...okay then...I guess" said Matt who seemed disappointed.

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