Chapter 3

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"Tom. Hey Tom. Tom, are you in there? Tom!!" yelled Edd who was trying to get Tom to wake up which instead Tom proves that he wasn't sleeping. "What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something? This better be good" mumbled Tom. "Oh I thought you were sleeping. Never mind then. Where's Matt, isn't he supposed to come back with you?" asked Edd. "Tch....yeah he was, but we spent the last three hours looking at mirrors. Technically it was Matt that was doing it" said Tom. "Okay....did you atleast checked to make sure that he gotten me Cola?" asked Edd. "Nope.....I mean, oh crap! Oh geez......I didn't even bother to go into the store with him. I'm pretty sure he got the right thing, unlike last time" said Tom. "Yeah....I remember that being a total disaster, but hey, he learned his lesson" said Edd.

"I'm home" said Matt as he came in. "Matt, what took you so long to get back here?" asked Edd while walking up to Matt. Oh.....I ran into some trouble but it wasn't all that bad" said Matt. "That's good" said Edd smiling. "Oh yes, I got you more Cola" said Matt before showing Edd a crate filled with bottles. "It's about time. I didn't know how long I'll make it, well.....I can live without Cola...but I need something to calm me down" said Edd. "You're welcome. I'm glad that I can help, so....does that make us....friends now?" asked Matt in curiosity. Once hearing those words, Edd suddenly remembers something in the past. "Oh can't be serious. I mean when are we friends?" asked Edd. "Huh? What do you mean?" asked Matt who was confused. " do I put this?" asked Edd.


Edd: nothing is better than spending some time with you Matt

Matt: *smiles* indeed

Edd: no, wait....hold on....let me just rephrase that for a minute

Matt: *looks confused* huh?

Edd: nothing is better than not spending time with you

Matt: *looks unamused* really?


Edd: *drawing* oh yes just one more thing and I'm done

Matt: *comes up behind him* ummm...excuse me, I should have more lines than you

Edd: *gets angry* grr.....fine. Come back in an hour

Matt: okay

[One hour later....]

Matt: oh Edd, I wanna see those lines that you gave me

Edd: oh...sure thing...buddy

[Matt sees that Edd gave more lines in the drawing of him]

Matt: *looks unamused again* god...I hate you

Edd: *smirks evilly*


[Christmas Day]

Matt: hey Edd, what did you got for Christmas?

Edd: oh I got these cool looking binoculars, how about you?

Matt: I gotten floodlights

Edd: oh that's- wait...what?

[Matt presses a button on a remote control making the floodlights turn and the light reacts with the binoculars as a similar way to that of a magnifying glass, thus causing Edd's eyes to be set on fire]

Edd: *feels his eyes on fire* GAHHHH!!!!!


Edd: *draws again* yes, this starting look good. Now let's add the finishing touch

Matt: *comes up behind him again* hey there friend, I have something really, really important to tell you

Edd: okay, what is it?

Matt: I want draw me more! I mean come on, you ain't gonna let this beauty go to waste now would you?

Edd: *gets angry again* grr....fine. I'll see what I can do

Matt: really? Thanks. I'll come back in an hour *leaves*

[Spongebob Narrator Voice: one hour later....]

Matt: *smiling* oh boy, oh boy, oh it done? Don't keep me waiting, I gotta know

Edd: oh it's done alright. I'm sure you will like it, it's a surprise

Matt: I like surprises. Let's how well you did

[Matt looks at the drawing only to see that Edd had drawn him in a tutu while being surrounded by glitter and sparkles]

Matt: *looks shocked* oh....never should draw me less *backs away slowly out of the room*

Edd: *chuckles evilly* you're right Matt, I should draw you less


[Christmas Day.....again]

Matt: Merry Christmas Edd! I got you a present *gives Edd a present*

Edd: *takes it* awww...thanks Matt *starts unwrapping it*

Matt: *smiles* you're welcome

Edd: *unwraps the present fully which reveals a brown box* geez Matt, you shouldn't have

[Out of nowhere the box opens up to show a boxing glove that was supposed to hit Edd in the face but ended up hitting Matt directly in his stomach instead]

Matt: *gets hit in the stomach before flying off* WAHHH!!!!!

Edd: I mean you really shouldn't have

*Flashback Ends*

"Oh that...well that was way in the past. Everything is all peachy now" said Matt. "Yeah it is" said Edd before picking up the crate of Cola and heading into the kitchen. "Oh one more thing, when I was in the store, I almost got crushed by a huge stack of cans and before I knew it, I was saved" said Matt. "That's good" said Tom who wasn't even paying attention. "Really? Saved by who?" asked Edd. " to come out you two?" asked Matt while giving both Paul and Patryck a signal. "Huh?" said both Edd and Tom in sync. Both Paul and Patryck came out of hiding and stood behind Matt. "Uhh..hello there. Um...who are these two Matt?" asked Edd. "Yeah and what are they doing here?" asked Tom. "Look I know that all of this came out of the blue, but let me explain. I met this two at the same store where I was almost crushed to death by cans" said Matt. "Yeah....erm....I'm Patryck" said Patryck. "And I'm Paul" said Paul before getting stared at by Edd. "What happened to your eye?" asked Edd with concern in his voice.

"He really doesn't want to talk about it" said Patryck. "Oh...well okay then. I understand" said Edd. Before Matt could say anything, he was pulled by Tom into a corner. "Matt, have you seriously lost your mind?" asked Tom. "What do you mean? I have you know that my mind is just perfect" said Matt. "That's not the point. Do you remember the last time we had another person living with us? That person was Tord" said Tom. "Oh....who's Tord?" asked Matt. "Tord, he's was Edd's friend and we used to hang out together all the time. I even remember hating his guts. He also decided to leave us and never came back, so yeah that Tord" said Tom. "Oh...I get it now. I remember. Tord's that gardener that I usually see" said Matt as Tom facepalmes. "No, he's not a gardener, he's- forget it" said Tom. "Hey guys are you done talking over there? I went on to agree that both of Matt's heroes can live here" said Edd giving off a smile. "Say what now?" asked Tom. "Oh my god, thank you so much Edd. Come on, I'll show you two will you be sleeping at" said Matt. "Oh you got to be kidding me, right? We seriously can't have five people under one roof, that will be mayhem" said Tom. "Oh come on, Tom, where's your sense of adventure?" asked Matt. "Oh even though I would love to show you it, I unfortunately left it all at the shop" said Tom.

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