Chapter 7 (Final Chapter)

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"They've been running for the past 30 minutes. Aren't they getting tired?" asked Paul. "Uhh...Paul they stopped a few minutes ago. Look, they're asleep now" said Patryck while pointing at Eduardo, Jon, and Mark who were sleeping. "Oh really? How come I didn't see that?" asked Paul who was disappointed. "That's because, you were lying flat on your back on the ground" said Patryck. "Huh what do you- oh yeah....I forgot" said Paul who realized that he was on the ground.

"Come on, let's go" said Patryck. Paul gets up and follows Patryck, but while walking half way towards him, Paul noticed something passing by. "Pa, Pa, Pa," shuttered Paul. "What? What is it?" asked Patryck while stopping and turning to face Paul. "Pa..Pa...Pa" shuttered Paul again. "Paul use your- oh my god! It can't be" said Patryck who noticed what Paul was trying to tell him.

What both Paul and Patryck were looking at was a red car and not just any red car, it had "N0R5K1" on it's back license plate as it drove right by. "He found us, he actually found us" said Paul who looked scared. "Hold on Paul, I don't think Tord saw us" said Patryck. "What do you mean?" asked Paul. "I mean if he were to see us standing way over here than he would of pulled over and shoot us" said Patryck. "You're right. He would of done that, but....he didn't" said Paul.

"Listen....we're following to wherever Tord's going and then after that, we activate Plan B" said Patryck. "Plan B? that were we run as far away as possible and hide in the woods while living in hand built log cabin, along with changing our names?" asked Paul. "Uhh....that's actually...Plan C" said Patryck. "Oh...whoops. So...what's the plan?" asked Paul. "I just....forget it. We're following Tord's car just to see what he's up to" said Patryck. "Okay, let's do it then" said Paul.

*A Few Minutes Later*

Paul and Patryck follows closely behind Tord as they saw him walking into a building before going inside after him. "What is he doing in here?" asked Patryck. "Look, he getting something. I wonder what he's getting" said Paul. They watched Tord while he was getting something which looked like supplies. "I hope he's planning on using those things on something rather than us" said Patryck. "Yeah. Hey, he's getting money too" said Paul while seeing Tord getting money.

Tord then finishes on what he was doing before walking over to where Paul and Patryck were hiding at. "He's coming this way. Quick hide and put your head down" said Patryck. Both Paul and Patryck quickly took into hiding and by accident Paul kicks Patryck out of the hiding spot. "Paul, seriously? Why would- oh crap, he's almost here'' said Patryck who quickly put on a long trench coat along with a hat. "Oh excuse me sir....but do you know where I can find a few parts for a remote control? I mean, it's okay if you don't know or anything. I'm just asking" said Tord who walked up to Patryck. "Uhh...go down that way and...take right and it should be a sign" said Patryck.

"Gee thanks. seem....familiar and so does your voice. I know you from somewhere?" asked Tord. "I usually get compared to people a lot, actually" said Patryck who was sweating. "Oh okay....what's your name kind stranger?" asked Tord. "My name? I'm Steve...Steve.. uhh...Men's Restroom" lied Patrcyk. "Well pleasure to me you, Mr. Men's Restroom. I gotta go now, I hope we see each other again" said Tord before walking away. Once he was gone, Patryck took off the trench coat as Paul came out of hiding.

"Phew...that was a close one. Good thinking Patryck" said Paul. "Why would you kick me out, Paul?" asked Patryck while taking the hat off of his head. "I don't know. Hey at least you managed to distract him and you had a cool looking hat to go along with that outfit you had on" said Paul. "Yeah....anyway, Tord asked me something about the parts to remote control which I don't know where they are and I'm pretty sure he's not going to happy when it's not there" said Patryck. "Remote control? To what?" asked Paul, "I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it's not going to be good" said Patryck. "Nothing is ever good if Tord is involved" said Paul. "Let's go" said Patryck.

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