Chapter 5

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"We're doing what?" asked Jon. "You heard me Jon, you heard me loud and clear" said Eduardo. "Eduardo you can't just fight Edd over a treehouse; that's just wrong" said Jon. "Excuse me? Are you going up against what I said? Are you Jon?" asked Eduardo with venom in his voice. "N...No...I....I'm....I'm not" said Jon who got scared. "Good. Now do me a favor and don't talk back at me ever again. Got it?" asked Eduardo while seeing Jon nodding his head. "So what's the plan?" asked Mark. "I just told you, you idiot! We're planning on using something to make Edd fall to his knees in defeat" said Eduardo. "And what is that "something" that you speak of?" asked Mark. "'ll see" said Eduardo with an evil smirk.


"Patryck, you've been staring out of that window for the past two minutes. Is everything okay?" asked Paul with concern in his voice. "Oh nothing really" said Patryck who was trying to avoid eye contact with Paul. Paul notices that Patryck didn't bother to turn to look at him meaning that something was wrong. "Patryck are you sure that you're okay?" asked Paul while walking over to Patryck. Once Paul walked up to Patryck, he heard Patryck sniffling and grew even more concern. When he finally reached up to him, Patryck slowly turns to face Paul only to have tears in his eyes. "Pat what's wrong?" asked Paul. "Remember when I said that.....that we're going to be safe? Well....I was wrong. We're not safe, we were never safe to begin with" said Patryck before sitting on floor crying. "Oh Pat....we are safe. We met people who gave us a place to stay...well...somewhere safe, but that's not the point. Like you said, we have to keep our heads low around here" said Paul who got down to the floor and hugged Patryck. "I know Paul.....I know....but....huh?" said Patryck while hearing something before getting up.

"What? What is it?" asked Paul who also got up. "You wouldn't believe me when I say this, but look" said Patryck while handing Paul a pair of binoculars. "Alright listen up you two because I know you're going to forget it once we get there. I mean we're going to breaking into a secret faculty and we will be stealing a flying saucer" said Eduardo. "You mean a UFO right?" asked Jon. "Yes, that's what I meant Jon. We're stealing a flying saucer or a UFO or whatever you call it" said Eduardo. "Oh okay then. So...what's the plan?" asked Jon. "I just....forget it. Let's just go, we're trying to beat the sun here" said Eduardo. "They're....they're stealing a flying saucer?" asked Paul. "Apparently so, but for what exactly?" asked Patryck. "Hmmm....are they going to use it to....I don't know make a child's every single dream of aliens come true?" asked Paul. "You know what....that could be the reason. Come on Paul, we're following them" said Patryck. "We are?" asked Paul. "Yes we are, but we probably need to get prepared for this" said Patryck.

*With The Three Neighbors*

"So is this the place where they keep the UFO at?" asked Jon. "Yes Jon it is. Keep your voice down" said Eduardo. "How do we get inside?" asked Mark. "Easy, we sneak up behind the guards and we take them out. Follow my lead" said Eduardo while leading both Jon and Mark. The three neighbors made their way slowly up to the guards; however, Jon kept bothering Eduardo. "Ooo...once we get up to the guards maybe I can talk to them nicely" whispered Jon. " nice talking. Remember we're stealing a flying saucer not having tea time, Jon" whispered Eduardo. "Oh, but how about I pretend to be a guard like them? I mean they won't even know it's me while you and Mark go behind their backs into the base, am I right?" asked Jon. "Shh...Jon! We're trying to sneak up behind some guards and you're going to ruin it if you don't shut up!" yelled Eduardo.

One of the guards heard Eduardo yell before pointing their gun at both Mark and Eduardo. "Oh great.....thanks a lot....Jon" grumbled Eduardo. "You're welcome Eduardo. I'm glad I can help" said Jon while smiling. Before the guard could do anything else, they were knocked out by Mark. "Nice work Mark. For a minute there, I thought we would've been killed" said Eduardo. "Well....I couldn't watch you two almost getting shot to yeah" said Mark. "Anyway with that out of the way, let's get back onto the mission" said Eduardo before turning to Jon and punching him directly in the face. "Ow! Wha....what was that for?" asked Jon who was rubbing his face in pain. "Oh nothing really, it's that we almost got murdered by you!" yelled Eduardo. "I...I...I'm sorry Eduardo, I really am" said Jon. "Next time you do or say anything stupid, you're getting another punch in the face. Got it?" asked Eduardo. "Y....y....yes, Eduardo" said Jon who was terrified.

*Inside The Base*

Both Paul and Patryck managed to somehow get inside the base way before Eduardo, Jon, and Mark ever stepped foot on the entrance of it. While the three neighbors took care of one the guards that tried to kill them, Paul and Patryck are searching for the room that has flying saucer in it. After a few minutes of looking, they eventually found the door and went inside. "Wow, I can't believe they have an entire collection of wanted posters of Tord, er...I mean Red Leader" said Paul who was looking at a wall that had wanted posters up on it. "Yeah, I find that very surprising as well" said Patryck. "Oh look Pat, I'm in this one in full uniform. Well kinda, but I'm right there" said Paul while showing Patryck one of the posters.

On the poster it shows Tord all dressed up in his Red Leader outfit holding an AK-47 and in the upper right corner, Paul can be seen just only barely. "Oh yeah....I forgot about this. Were you like photo bombing of something?" asked Patryck while looking up from the poster and at Paul. "Heh...yeah I was and I did it in full uniform. Speaking of which, I missed wearing mine. I was getting sick of wearing normal clothes, it just felt was just empty" said Paul. "I know you hate wearing normal and so do I but we don't have to wear them all day. We can just switch back to our uniforms" said Patryck. "Really? We can?" asked Paul. "Yes, yes we can. Also one more thing, can you hand me a wrench?" asked Patryck.

"Sure thing. So what are you planning on doing with it?" asked Paul while getting out a wrench before handing it Patryck. "Oh I'm just going to use it on the flying saucer" said Patryck. "Really now? Uhh....what flying saucer?" asked Paul who seemed confused. "This flying saucer over here" said Patryck while pointing to a flying saucer which was hooked up to some machinery and other things. " did you find that?" asked Paul. "Oh I found it while you were busy looking at those posters that were up on the wall and just to be honest it wasn't that hard to find this thing" said Patryck.

Patryck then walks over to the flying saucer and opened up a crate that was filled with large capsules, before searching for the flying saucer's ray gun. "Hmmm.....ah, there it is" said Patryck before opening a compartment which revealed the saucer's giant ray gun. " what's the plan? What are going to do with that this stuff?" asked Paul while noticing that Patryck kinda flinched before turning to face him. "Plan? Do you remember the last time when actually had a plan but didn't?" asked Patryck.


Patryck: okay Paul, here's our mission *gets out a piece of paper* *looks at it* hmmm....uhh... what is our mission again?

Paul: *looks confused* we....we....have a....mission?

Patryck: *looks at Paul in shock* don't have a mission! Oh god this is.... this is terrible

Paul: *looks uneasy before breaking down in a abrasive panic*

*Flashback Ends*

"Oh yeah.....I forgot" said Paul. "Exactly. Anyway....I was thinking of reprogramming the saucer's ray gun and turn the blast into something else" said Patryck. "Oh I see. With what?" asked Paul. "That's an issue that I'm trying to solve. The thing is that we're gonna have to take down the entire cannon and take it apart piece by piece" said Patryck. "Alright, let's do this" said Paul.

*A Few Minutes Later*

"Ah there it is. Behold gentleman, the flying saucer of your dreams but mostly my dreams" said Eduardo. "'s even bigger than I could ever imagine. I like it" said Jon in excitement. "Let's see if this thing works. After you Eduardo" said Mark. "Why thank you good sir" said Eduardo while walking up the flying saucer. Eduardo presses a random button causing a multi-colored beam to surround Eduardo, Jon, and Mark before somehow teleporting them to the cockpit (or main bridge/control room; whatever you want to call it) of the flying saucer. "That...was....epic" said Eduardo who was amazed at what happened.

"I'm guessing that button you pressed must of activated the teleportation system that the flying saucer was programmed with" said Mark. "Oh really? Well if that's the case then....we're going to be unstoppable. Next stop, Edd's house so... I- I mean we can take back that treehouse. Uhh....I actually need co-pilots for drive and start this thing up" said Eduardo. Both Jon and Mark started pressing the random colorful buttons that they can find especially the ones on the control panel causing the flying saucer to start up and took off into the nighttime sky. "Look at Edd, here comes numero uno me.....Eduardo" said Eduardo before laughing evilly. 

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