Chapter 8

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"Please, come in" she said after a long pause of me just glaring at her. I only needed an invitation as I pushed past and sat on the couch. I could almost feel like my face would set ablaze any moment. "What have you been up to, Sarah?" She asked, pouring herself and I two small cups of some kind if liquid.

"My names Halo" I said through tightened jaws as I watched her every petty movements before she sat in the chair across from the small room to me.

"Halo?" She chuckled. "Where did you get that silly name?"

Amy might have been four years older than me, but I wanted her gone or dead.

"It's my real name" and Amy laughed at this. As if our entire 'mission' had never happened.

"Here, have some. It will calm you down" she raised her glass cup as if cheering before sipping it.

I smelled it first, making sure there wasn't any poison or substance that could be potentially dangerous to me. Only then, did I take a sip. "You work for Shield" I growled, sitting still and waiting for any reaction.

"No I don't" she chuckled. "They let me go when I had no information on you"

"So you just, knew where I was?" I raised an eyebrow as the anger inside of me began to bring out a harsher tone from my throat. All she did was nod with a small smile on her lips.

"Dr. Hunt told me where you were"

Now I knew this wasn't true, but I didn't have anytime to question- or attack, because the room' slights turned off, and the red alarm light began blinking rapidly as the loud beeping told us to get up and leave.

But I just sat there, and so did Amy.

So why isn't she running?

Something caused my heart to stop entirely as the door swung open to reveal Joe, who looked straight to Amy.

"Have you seen Halo Band?" He was out of breath, as if he were running everywhere before he stopped at this room. After Amy quickly shook her head, he looked to his left, and widened his eyes. "She's in here!" He shouted down the hall. "I found her!" His fingers were trembling as I looked over to Amy with confusion, but she had the same expression.

She didn't know what was going on either.

I walked to the door and tried to enter the hallways, but the air was pushed out of my lungs as I hit the ground when Joe shoved me back, quickly drawing his pistol and pointing it at me.

All I could do was drag myself back, as far away from him as possible as the alarm blared inside and outside my head. "Joe- what's going on?" I couldn't control the shaking my voice already had from being pushed back so unexpectedly.

Then Killian arrived, with the other three guards that were supposed to be my entourage. They all held their guns too.

Pointed at me.

"Sorry Miss Band" Killian said in a tone that didn't remind me of how he was. As he stepped forward towards me, bringing the pistol closer to my head, my mind decided that now was the time to sulk in things that were meant for silence.

These were the people that helped me survive- holding my death in their hands.

"Why?" I felt tears brimming my eyes, but I couldn't cry, I shouldn't.

"We don't need you anymore" he smiled a cruel smile as he kneeled down beside me, as if trying to console me by stooping to my lower, pathetic level. Then I felt the mouth of the gun pushed against my temple.

The alarm wasn't so much of a problem to my head anymore as I squeezed my eyes shut, and willed myself to remember everything I had done.

Fighting, stealing, cheating, training, learning, killing.

The adrenaline from the anger that had been cooped up beneath my self control was causing my head and heart to pound at the same beat, so that I couldn't hear what anyone was saying anymore. And time seemed to slow after I heard the gun shot, and I almost wish it hadn't, because then it would have been faster and painless.

This will be a very- very untimely death, Halo Band.

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