Chapter 7

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Five days passed where Killian and I progressed rapidly on our tests and experiments.

None of the mice were having problems, and they were actually beginning to react to things faster than their average rate.

"Miss Band" Joe interrupted my readings of a philosophical book as he held a mic and ear piece in front of me. "Dr. Hunt would like to speak with you"

I sighed heavily before putting in the audio. "I thought I was on my own" I said in lieu of a hello.

"You are. I just have another mission for you" his voice didn't sound the same as it did a week ago.

"I don't have time for another mission" I growl in annoyance. "Davis and I are on the edge of our seats with these mice. We. Almost have it figured out"

"Good for you" he said sarcastically. "But I need you to watch someone for awhile. Someone new is coming aboard at noon"

"I have to babysit? I don't have time for that" I crossed my arms, but knew he couldn't see me anyways.

Dr. Hunt wasn't a man to refuse, and I suppose I had forgotten that.

"Halo Band, just do it" yep. He was done with my sarcasm.

"Fine" I blurted before shoving the mic back to Joe, who walked away. Then, Killian walked in with hunched shoulders. "Hey Grumpy"

"Bad news" he said immediately, sitting atop the little coffee table beside my chair. "Dr. Hunt assigned me to something new. Not on this ship. I can't help with the project anymore"

My heart sank.

"But I can't do it. I'm supposed to stalk someone now" I put the book down and ran my fingers through my hair. I glanced at my watch.


"It can go on hiatus." He thought aloud. "When you or I am done, we can go back and continue"

"That means we need more of my blood and Selenic Gloroxide" I reasoned, standing abruptly and walking to the lab. Killian followed not too far behind, but kept stopping to talk to random people, then laugh with them, then continue following me.

I sat myself on the main metal table and took a clean syringe. I was used to this, because of all the tests we had run, so my elbow was numb to when the needle took my blood. I handed it to Killian as he handed me another clean one to do the same with.


After several more of those needles, I was feeling rather light headed. But Killian said he would take care of the rest and told me to go rest.

But I couldn't rest, because it was already 12:05. Which meant this probably punctual person had already arrived and was in their room.

I held my breath as I stood in front of the door to this new person's room.

I was going to say that I was their guide. That way, if they had any suspicious questions, I would be asked them.

My fist fell heavily on the door as I looked down at my feet, trying to gain enough confidence to act.

But what happened next was something that hitched my breath in my throat.

My fists automatically clenched as I felt my heart pound against my chest.


Somehow, in the moment, my pupils dialated, and I could see this person more clearly, while I could feel her presence, almost as my own.


This was my mind showing me what vengeance felt like when it was in my reach.

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