Chapter 16

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The air was different, than from what I remembered. It seemed clean, but it had a different smell entirely. And I knew I wasn't in Shield anymore.

Had he gotten me?

I sit up quickly, and sigh heavily when I see that I am once again in a cell. My torso feels incredibly soar, and I see that my blood stained shirt is covering white bandages that are wrapped around my stomach.

But I can't help but smile at the fact that I am not attached to anything, and am free to move about the room. So I stand, and I feel incredibly stiff.

How long have I been out?

I walk to the small table and place my hands on it, shutting my eyes. I can feel the slightest vibrations, so I let my mind go towards them.

The minute my mind enters a room, I can see Loki speaking with someone. And he stops whatever he was saying and smiles. "She's awake, go get her"

Three people move from the room. And I remove myself from that room by pulling my hands up and opening my eyes.

I feel rather tired, despite that I just woke up, and follow reluctantly when the three people come in with their guns pointed, leading me towards the God I dread and fear.

He's not going to get anything put of you Halo. Promise yourself that.

But that is incredibly difficult. Promising myself. So I'll promise the Avenegers, even if they work for that infuriating Fury.

The hallway that we walked down was metal, similar to Shields. But much- much longer.

"So-" I said, making a small conversation. "I'm Halo Band". No answer came from any of them. So I turned to the only woman, "and you are?". She still didn't answer, so I tried to slow time down again, and managed to grab all the guns they held, pointing two of them as the people. "You are?" I asked more forcefully.

"Officer Crawford-" one began.

"No, no, no" I sighed, dropping the guns and shaking my head. "First names"

"Julia" the woman said,


But the officer Crawford guy didn't say anything. So I raised my eyebrow and re-pointed the gun at him.

"Sam" he said reluctantly. I gave a curt smile, dropped the last gun, and returned to walking down the hallway. With the three of them behind me.

"It's nice to meet you all" I said, as the end of the hall came into view. A large, surprisingly wooden door was rather ominous as it opened when I was a few feet away. I walked straight in though, because I knew who was in there. "There will be scars, ya know" I spat, changing my entire demeanor. "I don't appreciate that very much"

Loki wasn't smiling anymore, but seemed calm and collected. Much different from whenever it was he had stolen me. "I do apologize" he said, standing from the steps he was sitting on. He wore some weird clothes, let me tell you. A log green robe thing with yellow touches and tight pants and shirt.


"You said you were not the person I was searching for" What? Don't defend that you stabbed me!

"So you stab me" I nodded, making an expression like 'oh yes, that makes sense'.

"Well I can not have you telling anyone I was present there" he retorted.

"Well I think you were just mad. Do you have anger management issues?" I tilted my head, questioning.

"I do not, I think you lied to me" Loki was like a kid, I couldn't believe it.

"Um, last time I checked" I shot back, "you were the god of mischief and lies" I crossed my arms and stepped further into the large dark room. "You should have detected it"

"I did, that is why I went back" he was getting on my nerves all over again.

"Oh so it's like some delayed reaction thing. You know me, I'm the total opposite of that"

His expression was annoyed now.

"I do know that" he hissed, "that's why I have you here"

"Not for long though. Sorry not sorry"

"Enough!" He shouted, and the sound of it's un-cracking echo made me want to shrivel back and refuse to even glare at him. But I knew I had to.

"Why am I here?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him. He seemed distraught, that I wasn't as willing to help as he had originally planned.

He probably thought I'd help out of fear.

"Take her back" he said, rubbing his forehead with his hand. "I don't want to deal with this stupidity right now"

And so I went back on my own, before the three could even stand. Of course, Sam, Max, and Julia followed me, to make sure my door was locked when I was in. Which I had done.

So now I sat in a white chair in the corner of this room. It was actually rather large, it's white walls and one way mirrors forced me to look at horribly deshovled self.

I was skinnier than I remembered, and my hair was a hopeless mess, so I put it in a high pony tail. It was strange though, because I wasn't hungry. Despite my discovery.

Well, I was probably going to be in here for awhile. So I made myself comfortable and tried to work on whatever my brain could accomplish.

Which wasn't a lot, because The sourness was still throbbing in my abdomen.

So I hope I didn't make Shield too angry.

Because for once, I'd like to be saved.

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