Chapter 3-Different

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Chapter 3

“Oh my god!” I groan as I plop down onto the couch at the apartment I’m staying in and close my eyes  “my legs are so sore from doing the obstacle course in sport, I mean running around with knives and swords going under nets, over walls, climbing ladders it’s just not a sport!”

“Oh stop groaning” I feel Luke sit down next to me and dragging down the cushion “My head hurts by learning important dates in mundane history that involves shadowhunters; apparently we were in world war two”

“Really why?”

“I don’t know I blacked out “shrugged Luke. A laugh rises in my throat; I know Luke has never been the history type. “Seriously it’s not funny when you fall asleep on your friends arm”

“Ha, which friend?”


“Really? That jerk?”

“What? What’s wrong with him?” He looks over at me suspiciously

“I just don’t think he all what people think he is” I shrug

Today at lunch Valentine was talking about how he scored 1 minute and 30 seconds on the obstacle course while everyone else scored over 2 minutes. While everyone was saying well down I just thought he was showing off. Of course he is attractive, smart, and sporty and will be a fantastic shadowhunter but I just don’t trust him.

“You are just jealous that you only got 1 minute and 55 seconds on the obstacle course” Luke told me.

I stick my tongue out at him and get up off the couch.

“And where are you going?” Luke asks me

“I’m going to make dinner, is that okay?” I pout at him.

He sighs and walks into his room.

It’s now been one month since Luke and I moved to Alicante and now both our families have joined us. It’s great, life here; it’s exactly how I expected it to be. My grades are great, I have friends and I’m having fun. The only thing I’m mad about is Luke taking tutoring classes from that jerk Valentine. I just don’t like him he is just such a show off! But whenever I bring up the situation with Luke he tells me that he is a great help to his learning. And I really want him to learn more, but just not being taught by Valentine! The only person that agrees with me is Madeleine but otherwise no one else agrees. So when I see him I act nice and sweet.

But today when I get to school Valentine isn’t the same as always. He is not walking around like he owns the place, he does not have a smile on his face and he isn’t chatting to his friends. And his friends whom I call Valentines Fan Club aren’t chatting as much ever. I see Luke and see he also isn’t smiling or talking but looks like he is thinking hard about something.  I wonder why Valentine isn’t being himself. I see Maryse standing by her locker so I walk up to her. Over the last couple of days we have become close friends and I feel like I can ask her anything. Her waist length black hair was in a fish braid on her left shoulder and her tall perfect structure seemed to be less confident. What was up with people today?

“Hey Maryse, are you okay?” I ask her as I approach her

“Yhea I’m fine, just a bit tired” Okay Maryse is never tired

“Do you know what’s wrong with Valentine? He seems a bit, you know, not Valentine” I shrug

She turns to face me and shakes her head “You haven’t heard have you?” When she see’s my confused look she continues “Valentines father died last night” she whispered.

Oh my god, I had no idea, poor Valentine. I know I don’t like him as much but that must be really hard for him. “That’s horrible” I answer her. She nods her head and we walk to our first class for the day. “I just hope he will be okay”

Again at lunch he isn’t himself and he isn’t talking, I’m actually feeling really sorry for him. When the bell goes for the last two classes I walk to my locker and grab my books and I walk to my first class room, but as I round a corner I walk into someone and my books fall onto the floor.

“Oh I’m so sorry” I hear a voice say while I’m picking up my books. As I stand back up and see Valentine. I feel like I should say something but I think he must be sick of people saying sorry for you lose some just to be polite and some actually meaning it.

“No don’t worry about it, I wasn’t looking” I look up at his sad face and I really feel like saying sorry but I don’t know how so instead I say “So how are you holding up?”

He smiles up at me “You know you’re the only one that has said that to me?”

“No, I didn’t” I tell him honestly “so how are you?”

“Well shadowhunters die every day, but I never thought it would be my dad, so it’s been hard and I really don’t know how long it will be until I feel like I did yesterday” I really don’t want him to go back to how he was yesterday, I like the nice, sweet, and sensitive Valentine.

“Well I’ve got to go or ill be late to class, so bye” I start to walk off but stop when he grabs my elbow

“Thanks, you know for asking” he looks at me and I see someone I might actually like as a friend. I smile at him and I walk off to class with a weird feeling in my stomach.

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