Chapter 8- The Circle begins

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  • Dedicated to To All The Shadowhunters In The World

Hey everyone thanks for reading this it really means alot to me even though its not the most read story but to be honest i dont care as long as you guys like it i'm happy. And sorry i have been on holidays and i havent even updated until today because i have been bussy. Any way i hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote comment share ect. and comments really do help me and i havent been getting lots sorry if i sound like im begging i will stop know and let you read :) enjoy

Chapter- 8


As I walk up to the house that is owned by the Morgenstern’s I couldn’t take my eyes off it not for that if I did I would walk into a bush or something but because its beauty. I loved how the vines ran up the sides of the house going anywhere without permission only not going over the simple white windows. It was a old house but its beauty continued with its aging you could tell because the old bricks that held the house up were still beautiful and red. I remember when I was little when we would draw houses mine would look just like this one. Old but loved and has its own personality not the owners.

I walk up to the door and knocked three times. The door was opened by a woman dressed in black and white giving me the impression that she was a maid.

“Hello, you must be Miss Fairchild. May I take your jacket” she asked me politely.

I didn’t know who to act though, so I just stood there, I’m not all that used to a maid coming and asking for my jacket. I quickly snapped myself out of my phase and shrugged of my long white jacket and I suddenly felt the cool fresh air around my body.

Looking at them maid I saw that she was no shadowhunter, no marks were upon her arms or any other visible part of her body, she must have the sight. I felt sorry for her she must be afraid of all these people walking in and out of the house with knives all over their bodies. But she didn’t look troubled.

Without another glance at the maid, because that’s all she is, I walked into the house and saw the familiar face of my friend Maryse.

“Jocelyn! I didn’t know you wear coming, you are two minutes late and Valentine hates it when people are late.” She said as she gave me a hug. We weren’t always so close it has only been the last few days when I have became friends with the black haired beauty.

“Sorry, I was only called fifteen minutes ago” I told her

“Oh, well no worry come into the dining room everyone’s waiting for you and Valentine won’t start until your there” she smiled up at me and lead me through the house.

Every room we past was absolutely remarkable, each showed its own characteristics that match each room but they all had that old fashioned look that went with the house. The hallway was lit by witchlight’s that were held in lamp holders and the laying down the hallway was a red rug that matched the dark brown walls. Maryse opened a door near the end of the hall and I stepped in to see a long table with seats for each person spread along it.

All eyes went to me when I entered and I suddenly felt embarrassed, I don’t understand why I was but maybe it was because I have never been centre attention and I don’t even think this counts either.

“Jocelyn” I focused my gaze onto one person though. Valentine was standing at the head of the table with a smile on his face “Thank God you came I wasn’t going to start without you” he walked over to where I was standing and kissed me full on the mouth and I definitely wasn’t expecting it but I kissed him back forgetting that everyone was watching and knew I was going to be embarrassed for real this time. We finally pulled away from each other and I felt myself melt, his smile just made me feel special.

“Come, I have a seat next to me for you” he took my hand and brought me down to a seat at the end of the table. It wasn’t exactly next to his for he was sitting at the head of the table like a King and he certainly looked like one, he didn’t at all look uncomfortable but proud. I was sat next to my best friend Luke and when I saw him sitting there I smiled at him and like always he smiled back but in his eyes I didn’t see happiness like I always see but I saw sadden flicker in his eyes.

Once everyone realised that Valentine had taken his seat there was silence in the room. Before I was dating Valentine I would have laughed at this and said they all thought of him like there God but I too was silent as soon as he sat down. It wasn’t because I was scared of him but because I was fascinated in what he called us all her for tonight.

“Now I have called you all here tonight to ask you to join me in a quest.” Someone began to open there mouth but was cut off by Valentine “No questions until I’m done please Amatis” the girl closed her mouth and put her head down in shame. “Ever since the angel Raziel came out of that lake with the mortal instruments in hand he told us that we need to keep our world, including the mundanes safe from harm of demons and we have. But know downworlders have begun to threaten us by drinking blood, going crazy on a full moon, summoning dangerous demons and by telling us the truth in lies. They think that they are safe; they think we won’t bother them even though they are threatening a world that we own and they don’t belong to. And yet the Clave is doing nothing about it they are just leaving it alone thinking if a vampire goes bad their leading will deal with it, if a werewolf kills a human they will stab themself in the heart, if a warlock summons a demon and the demon escapes that he will trap himself forever in darkness or if a fairy were to lie that it will drown its self in the pity of others until death takes it. Well that’s not going to happen, there kind wants’ to take this world as much as the next demon. Know I’m not saying we should all go around and kill every downworlders we see I’m just saying we should kill the ones that bring shame on their kind and then maybe the world will be a better place. Now any questions?” everyone was shocked at his speech it was correct, everything he said and I have to agree we can’t just let them do this to the world that our ancestors tried so hard to build and keep safe.

“And who will be by you side during this?” asked Robert

“Well my girlfriend” that’s a new title for me “and my parabatai” everyone was silent no one but myself and Valentine knew that he had one or was going to have one.

“But you don’t have one” replied Robert with an annoying matter of fact tone.

“I quite well know that Robert but I will soon” he turned and looked at Luke directly in the eye “Luke will you be my parabatai?”

Luke look absolutely shocked and so did everyone “W...Well o...o...of course Valentine, t...that would be great” Luke looked completely lost for words like the lot of us and as I looked down the table I couldn’t help but smile because of the look of jealousy on Roberts face.

“So what will it be, will you join me to stop these beasts or will you just sit there and watch them laugh in our faces” said Valentine standing up.

Everyone just sat there no one joining him but after several moments I felt my legs pushing me into standing stance before I knew what I was doing but I looked at him and saw relief in his eyes that I was standing so I stood up taller smiled back at him and even reach out and took his hand in mine “I’m with you Valentine until the end” soon Luke joined me standing tall and proud and not long after so did everyone else.

Valentine smiled at the scene in front of him and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket opened it up and placed it on the table. He reached for a pen then wrote in big writing, THE CIRCLE, he then signed his name and passed it to me and I did the same as him watching the ink flow out of the pen and onto the paper and I felt no bit of regret or uncertainty as I did so.

Once the paper had been passed around everyone and was given back to Valentine he held it up in the air and said in a loud and confident voice “And so The Circle was formed”

And I was proud to be in it.

So i hope you liked this chapter and if your wondering why Jocelyn is all yay for killing bad downworlders its because when she was young you have to remember she was all for it. Hopefully i will update in the next two weeks. and please vote and comment and share. bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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