Return to the Sun

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Moria gritted his teeth as everything fell apart. All of his plans to become the pirate king, all the people they had taken and turned into zombies. All the dead bodies they had had to collect for the army they had. For all the prized bodies to be strengthened, and to find Oars and move him to the island and into the freezer. And all of it ruined by a newbie pirate!

He would take away all of her nakama, make her feel helpless and all alone, and they he would kill Potter, slowly and painfully. She had done too much against him to get any less than that as payback.

"Moria-sama! Moria-sama!" His three tiny minions called to him in a panic as he stared down at the island from a different tower than the one had had been in last. It was a precaution. No doubt Potter would return to the other one, but he wouldn't be there. "We couldn't loot their ship as you wanted. It is being guarded by powerful beings and creatures who claim their allegiance to Jasmine Potter. When we attacked and they seemed to deflect our attacks. They recovered almost immediately. Crocodile, Buggy, Alvida and underworld creatures defeated the army.

"On top of that Perona-sama, Hogback-sama, and Absalom-sama, as well as all the other General Zombies have been defeated," they reported and Moria balled his hands into fists. He fumed at all Mystic Mother had done before releasing it. He would not be defeated. He would get his revenge, and new shadows for his zombies.

"Well Mystic Mother and these creatures sound like wonderful shadows to have. I'll have to do lots of experimenting with them no doubt," Moria said and looks out through the window. He sees some of her crew in his garden. "But first, I should annihilate her crew. I don't want their shadows. Just their lives to destroy Potter's life, just as she has destroyed all my work."

Moria grabbed onto the window in front of him and threw it open. "Of course I should make their nightmares come true as I kill them, shouldn't I?" Moria asked and laughed as he jumped from his window. He extended his shadows to attach to every zombie, and then drained them of that shadow. He infused himself with their shadows, making himself bigger and stronger, till he was bigger than even Oars. No one could stop him like this.

He now had the power of over one thousand shadows coursing through him now!

He grinned down at her crew as they looked terrified. "Well, I think it's time to end your lives now, isn't it?" He laughed at them and brought a hand up and slammed it into the earth, laughing as the earth cracked open. He was so powerful in this form. Nothing could stop him now. Not Mystic Mother or even a Yonko! "I will cause your captain the greatest pain of all, and I will revel in her agony. The pain of losing your nakama. I should now how painful that is, and she will then die by my hand. Slowly, ever so slowly. Till finally she begs for death as a mercy!"
The others were mobilized along with living captives that were on Thriller Bark, and they witnessed Moria turning into a giant by taking other people's shadows from his zombies.

At least Brook got his back.

Moria had grown to about the size of the giant he had called Oars. In this form, Moriah's neck bloated to extreme proportions, similar to how a gecko puffs up its throat when threatened. His horns also became longer and his hair became spike-like in manner. His arms also became very huge while his legs became longer compared to their original stubby appearance. Because of his body proportions in this form, Moriah was forced to walk on all fours. And when they watched him hit the ground, it split. Most of Thriller Bark had been split by just that. His physical power had increased by a crazy amount.

But Jasmine noticed something, he was very slow now. His size was weighing him down. It was a weakness. One she would exploit to win.

Moria didn't notice her because she was in her new form.

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