Someone cares

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The art above is not strictly related but it's cute so.. (not my own). I'll try to include a picture with each update. Xx

It was 2am. Tony was in his lab, working on bits of suit here and there, mainly just trying to keep himself occupied. This was his third night not sleeping but he didn't care. His mind was buzzing too much to sleep, so here, in his lab, he would stay, tinkering, until it was an 'appropriate' time to be in the rest of the avengers tower.
Except Tony kept getting this feeling he was being watched. He was the only one in his lab of course, he knew that. And it wasn't Jarvis, because he was used to the 'presence' of the AI. And yet Tony could not shake this feeling. It got to a point where he couldn't handle it anymore so he was going to investigate-without getting up of course, that required energy to be exerted. Instead he called out "J, who's closest to me currently?"
"Captain Rodgers is on this floor, sir. About 8 ft away from you" the AI replied. Tony frowned, confused.
'Dammit' Steve thought to himself, trying to back away as silently and quickly as possible. There were many things Steve was learning about modern technology, but being able to pinpoint someone's exact location instantly was not something he'd thought possible. How the hell was he supposed to explain to Tony that he'd just been stood outside of his lab, watching him work? He needed to think of something to say-I wasn't there long, just passing by? But Steve was an awful liar, Tony would surely know. And where exactly was he supposed to be going anyway? Tony's lab was out of the way, there wasn't anywhere you could access by passing it that you couldn't get to a quicker way. Steve shouldn't have let himself think, because he hasn't notice Tony get out of his seat and start to approach him, until they were face to face. "Cap, what the hell are you doing?"
"Uh- Stark-uhhh" Steve stuttered, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't form a full sentence that wouldn't sound like complete nonsense. Tony rolled his eyes and walked away, but gestured for Steve to follow him into his lab. He pointed to the sofa a short distance from his work station. "Sit and try to form some sort of explanation while I finish this bit off." Steve did as he was told and sat down. Five minutes later, Tony put down the repulser hand he'd been working on and spun on his stool to face him. Steve had regained most of his composure and was ready to talk now; "I'm a terrible liar, and you'd see straight through me, so I'm not even going to try and make something up. Instead, I'm just going to come outright and say it. I was stood outside your lab because you haven't slept in days, and I know you think nobody had noticed but I did, and you haven't eaten enough and all you do is lock yourself down here and over work yourself and-andimworriedaboutyouok?" Steve blurted. Tony blinked for a few seconds and tried to process everything Steve had just said, which was increasingly difficult as Steve's pace became quicker and quicker. Eventually he replied "I know you're captain America and all, and that you naturally worry, but you don't have to. I know what I'm doing, and I'm fine." Steve frowned, 'because he's captain America', what does Tony take him for? And why can't he just accept that someone might genuinely care for him? But then Steve thought that maybe it's because no one ever has, maybe Tony just doesn't believe that he's worth anyone's love, and his face softened. After thinking carefully about how to word his thoughts, Steve said "I know you're an adult, and of course you don't have to listen to me, but for once could you please just accept that someone cares about you and allow them to help?." Tony frowned. "You really care, don't you?" He asked, in what could only be described as a tone of shock. "Yes" Steve replied as sincerely as was humanly possible. "Ok."
   Tony stood from his stool, packing away some of his tools and using a rag to wipe off the grease on his hands and forehead, before walking over and sitting down on the sofa next to Steve. "So how exactly would you like to help me, capsicle?" He asked sarcastically, but you could see the glint of curiosity and sincerity in his eyes. "Well for starters you just need a good nights sleep" Steve said. "I can't" Tony whispered, looking down at his hands. It didn't take long to realise what Tony meant. It was nightmares that were keeping him awake, Steve has his fair share, he knows what it's like to have his sleep haunted. Usually he'd exercise when the nightmares got bad, but he knew Tony wasn't the same as him. That would explain why he spent so much time in the lab, it was his way of dealing with his problems. "Tony.." he said, getting him to look up at him. "Wow, you called me Tony. Something must be serious"—there he goes again, hiding behind his sarcastic comments and dry humour. "I know you have nightmares, and I know there's probably not a lot I can do to help you with that. Now, you have a choice, I'll let you carry on working in your lab and you can suppress it all like you normally do, or you can take my advice, go to sleep, and if you'll let me, I'll be there when you have a nightmare." Steve spoke calmly and gently. Tony's expression faltered for a split second, as if he wanted to let someone in, but then he smiled and said "I'll stick with my work thanks" before standing and beginning to walk back to his work station. But before he could take more than two steps, his knees buckled and he almost fell. Steve was there in an instant, gripping his arms for support. "Okay, the choice has been revoked." Tony huffed but gave in anyway, not having the energy to resist, instead just leaning into Steve. "Right, lets get you to bed" Steve muttered. "No, here" Tony mumbled, nodding towards the sofa again. Steve lead him to the sofa and sat him down before grabbing the blanket draped over the back. "Lie down" Steve instructed. "Will you stay?" Tony asked in the smallest voice Steve had ever heard come out of his mouth. "Uh, yeah. Have you got a chair anywhere?" He asked, looking around. Tony shook his head, grabbing Steves wrist and pulling him to sit in the gap next to him. "There" Tony mumbled, taking a pillow and placing down on Steves lap, before settling down into it. Steve just looked at him, shocked. He never knew Tony had this side to him, he was always so tough and stoic, always had to be the biggest voice in the room and was always so cold whenever someone came close. And here he was, nuzzling his face into Steve's stomach, sighing contently. Steve placed the blanket he was still holding over Tony, who pulled it up under his chin before balling his fists in Steve's shirt.  "Uh, Jarvis, are you there?" Steve whispered, looking up at the ceiling. "Yes, Captain Rogers, although I am not in the ceiling so you needn't look up there."
"Oh right yeah, okay. Uh, could you dim the lights a bit?" He asked, feeling incredibly awkward talking to thin air. "Of course, Captain. Would you like me to shut down the lab as well?"
"Yes please, thank you" Steve muttered. The lights instantly dimmed and Steve heard some of the mechanical humming come to a stop. "And captain, if I may, thank you for getting sir to sleep. His health was starting to decline" the AI said in a much quieter tone. "You're welcome, I'm just glad he's actually getting some sleep" Steve replied, before leaning back into the sofa and watching Tony sleep peacefully before drifting off himself.

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