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Sorry I don't know the artist, but I love this drawing!^
Sorry it's short, but this one is just pure fluff, hope you enjoy. Xx

It had been a long day. The avengers who were available (Tony, Steve, Natasha and Wanda with Bruce on the coms) had been sent on a mission early that morning by Fury. It was simple enough, get in, shut down their systems, get the bad guys and get out again. Only they weren't exactly prepared for the level of firepower these guys had. Luckily no one was hit, but it didn't make it easy.
Now, they were all back at the compound, cleaning up before preparing to go to shield h.q. for a debriefing.
Tony had just finished changing after his shower, and was now stood by the coffee machine, watching as what he would describe as his life source, drip into the Ironman mug Nat had gotten him for Christmas last year. When the light flashed, signalling him that his drink was ready, he took the handle and moved over to the opposite counter, placing it down to let it cool before he could drink it. He was staring down at the coffee, not thinking about much when he felt two strong arms slip themselves around his torso. Tony tensed, his breath hitching slightly, before he realised who those toned arms belonged to. Releasing a breath, he let his shoulders drop again and subconsciously leaned back into the grasp of Steve Rogers.
"Really cap? You know anyone could walk in" he said, but he had a grin on his face nonetheless. Steve only hummed, nuzzling his face into the crook of Tony's neck, breathing in his boyfriend's scent. The two had been dating for a few months now, but they had decided to take it slow, not wanting what they had to be ruined by press or shield. It's because of this, they hadn't told anyone about their relationship, not even their fellow avengers, both of them wanting to be sure first.
Now, they stood alone in the communal kitchen, enjoying each other's touch, Tony chuckling at his boyfriend's clingy behaviour. "Seriously Steve, what are you doing?" He asked, confused having never seen him like this. "Recharging" Steve mumbled into his shoulder, his face still buried and his eyes shut. "Well it's going to have to stop there" Tony said as he heard footsteps approaching. He grabbed his coffee and swiftly moved to the other side of the kitchen, leaning against the counter. Steve turned and grabbed an apple from the bowl, taking a bite just as Wanda and Natasha walked through the door.
"We'd better get going" Bruce called from down the hall and two minutes later, the five avengers were out the door and on their way to shield to try to explain to Fury exactly what had happened.

Tony was in his lab, finishing up a bit of work, when his phone went off. He wiped his oily hands on a bit of rag that was next to him and walked over to where he'd left his phone.
'I still need charging. Come sleep in my bed tonight?'
It was from Steve. Tony smiled to himself, clearing up his work surface after sending back:
'On my way;)'

Apparently, Tony had completely misinterpreted the message, because when he got to Steve's bedroom, he was fast asleep, his arms sprawled across his mattress. He looked so peaceful and comfortable that Tony forgot all about what was on his mind a minute ago. Instead he took of his jeans and shirt and climbed under the covers, snuggling into Steve's side, tucked just under his arm, his head resting on his chest. Steve sighed contently, turning towards Tony's warmth and settling in. It wasn't long until Tony was snoring softly, the troubles of the day fading away.

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