Just Relax

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Steve sat in his apartment, watching some random random show on tv with a box of half-eaten pizza on his lap. He couldn't help but thinking how uneventful his evenings were...and lonely. He sighed heavily, bringing himself out of his own mind to grab another slice of pizza, when his phone chimed with a text. Wiping the grease off his fingers, he peered to see who it was from, and almost doubled his pace when he realised it was Tony.

Him and Tony had been friends for years now; they'd met in college, Steve doing an art course while Tony did business studies. They used to hang out all the time, but it'd been more difficult lately with Tony's work-he'd been promoted to deputy of the company! But that didn't mean the two were any less close. There'd always been a bit more than friendship between them, a little extra spark, but Steve didn't like to dwell on it, and Tony never seemed to give it a second thought either. Others speculated of course, but they always just brushed it off as a close friendship.

Steve unlocked his phone, reading the text:
'Can I come over?'
Steve tapped out a repsonse:
'Good, I'm outside.'

Steve rolled his eyes at that, it was so typically Tony to just show up unannounced. He stood, discarding the pizza box in the kitchen, deciding he was full, before making his way and unlocking his apartment door. As promised, on the other side was a slightly disheveled Tony, still in his work suit, loosening his tie. Steve had seen him look worse, so he was hardly even surprised at the sight. He widened the door so Tony could step through, shutting it behind him before going back to his living room and reclaiming his seat. Tony followed suit, dropping his now removed tie on the coffee table. He flopped himself down on the sofa, planting his face into Steve's lap.

It was then Steve realised Tony hadn't actually spoken yet-that was uncharacteristic. His expression grew concerned as he looked down at the mop of hair now in his lap.
"Rough day?" he asked.
"Mmmmm" was all he got in response.
"I'll take that as a yes" Steve said, amused by Tony's current inability to function as a person, "Hot chocolate?" Steve felt him nod, so slowly stood up so Tony could pull himself off of him. He went into the kitchen and quickly made up two mugs, before returning. He noticed Tony hadn't moved, his face squished into the sofa. Steve wasn't sure if he was asleep, so he reached out and touched his shoulder, shaking gently, "Tony, your drink."
Tony hummed as he sat up, offering a small, tired smile, before taking his mug and blowing on it gently.

"So, what's up?" Steve prompted, trying to get some actual words out of his friend.

Tony groaned, but eventually spoke up, "Just deadlines and paperwork and stupidly high expectations that people don't understand that I can't meet all of the time. I'm only human not a damn robot" he ranted.

Steve's eyebrows creased but he offered a sympathetic smile. "If it's putting that much of a strain on you why don't you just quit?" he asked.

"I can't" Tony responded, "this is my whole career we're talking about. It was always going to be hard work. I can't just throw away my future because I'm feeling stressed."

"There's a bit of a difference between being a little stressed and this, Tony. Your existence shouldn't be miserable for the sake of a job. Besides, you could always set up your own company, I know that you're more than capable."

Tony smiled slightly at the compliment, but he was still visibly tense. "Maybe" he mumbled, not wanting to really commit to something right now, he was not in the mind frame for any serious conversation, to be quite frank. Steve noticed this, and chose to leave it there, knowing his friend well enough to know not to push him too far; he may put on the 'charismatic charmer' facade to most people, but Steve knew better. He'd seen Tony at his most reclusive, closed off from everyone and everything and he knew when to just let him be quiet and reserved.

Steve gently prised the now empty mug from Tony's hands and placed it and his own on the coffee table. Then he stood and walked behind the sofa, stopping directly behind the shorter man, eyes watching him all the way. He reached down and delicately rubbed his hands over his shoulders before working his fingertips into the stiff muscles. Tony relented at first, but soon gave in to the sensation, leaning back into the sofa and allowing his shoulders to droop. Steve worked his way from the sides of Tony's neck down to his shoulder blades and back up again, feeling Tony relax more and more under his fingers.

After a while, Tony's eyelids began to feel heavy and he allowed them to close, trusting Steve and melting into the comfort surrounding him. Steve smiled softly, watching Tony's head begin to nod, and pulled his hands away from his shoulders. He walked back around to the other side of the sofa, lying himself down and pulling Tony down on top of him. Tony was still awake just enough to be vaguely aware of what was happening but far too tired and cosy and warm to even think of protesting. Instead he just shuffled a little until he was comfortable, pressed between Steve's chest and the back of the sofa, nuzzled his face into Steve's neck and sighed in contentment before drifting back to sleep. Steve felt the breath tickle against his neck and the warmth instantly making him feel sleepy. He couldn't help the smile spreading across his face, trying to stifle the tingling feeling rising in his chest.

He fell asleep like that, one hand buried in Tony soft brown locks, the other holding his waist protectively, the dim light from the tv slightly illuminating their features.

Needless to say, he didn't want to move when he woke up in the morning.

Credit to artist^
Sorry it's taken me so long to update:/
I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of those supporting this book. I get notifications everyday saying someone's voted on it now, and it's honestly amazing. Thank you so much! Xx

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