Impressive (✔️)

413 42 54


Recap: Chakor got the job. Her mother is scared what if someone finds out about her.

Suraj come into the office he was really pissed off as his father again tried to make an alliance with someone he doesn't like or love.

Suraj so early in the morning he starts to argue with me about marriage! Huh. How dare he! He couldn't let me have my breakfast first, no, Idiot!.

Suraj reaches to his office he was angry the staff very well knows it, when he is angry. There is a fire in his eyes. He enters his cabin and his gaze fall on the empty seat of his new PA.

Suraj comes out and starts to shout, "Miss Asha!!! Where is she?!!! Damn it!!! Get her!"

He went back to his cabin just then Chakor appears from his washroom.

She felt embarrassed as she used it without permission and he had to take her name.

Suraj fumes more looking at her, "what the fucking hell were you doing there?

Who has allowed you to use my personal washroom?

Where is my chai/coffee?

Where are my files?

Where is... etc.!" He counts several things...

Chakor was calm in her nature, she is used to be blamed by everyone.

After awhile Suraj looked at her, "don't you want to say something?" His voice was calm and his eyes were fixed on her.

Chakor looked at up to him, "Sir, if tou let me speak." She said in a calm voice.

Suraj bites on his tongue, "Say!" The way he told her to say something was dangerous.

Chakor gulps, she looked at him with confidence and walks to him. Soon she was standing next to him,

"Here your coffee or here the chai according to your fav recipe.

Here are your files, but these are the elder one's. I found these here you have made them double.

If I'm allowed to suggest you, then please take the new one's they are properly worked.

Then I have checked your calendar you have two meetings. The first ons in an hour and the another one at the company of Keith Ltd. I made this, in case if you didn't had your breakfast." She took out a plate, she had made and placed it in front of him.

She was about to leave, but then she stopped, "Sir." she had closed her eyes for the moment and took a deep breath.

Suraj was looking at her, he could see her face through his door glass.

He smiles, "Yes Miss Asha what?? Will you stay there like a statue?"

Chakor took another deep breath and turns to him."Sir, I didn't use your washroom. I'm sorry I just checked if everything is on it's place." She was embarrassed so was he.

She went out of his cabin and sat back on her desk.

Suraj was looking at her.

He had special glasses for his cabin, he could look out, but no one can look in and he has one mirror glass both sided that is the door.

Suraj smiles. Impressive that girl. I'm hungry what she said she made it... hmm it more looks like a mother's hand made food. Hmm 🤔 she lied to me?!

A knock at his cabin door disturbed him, he huffs and put the food back.

"come in!"

The door opens and Chakor enters.

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