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Recap: SuKor went for shopping and ended up at the small but homely dhabba

Yash was smirking looking at Chakor. So it's seems like that the girl, who hasn't loved anyone besides her mother, finally fallen for a guy. Not any guy, but her own boss. Wah wah. This means I can tease her [Muhaha].

Suraj stood up, "it's late we have to return, but we will definitely come back." He said to the kids with a smile, "okay, I will pay and you all are waiting we will drop you home." He went to the counter and two orbs were following his steps.

The kids and Yash were smirking, *Hem hem* they cleaned their throat to gain her attention, but madam was lost in him.

"Chakor is in love..."

Chakor looked at them with widen eyes, "what! I am not in love okay, we are friends. He is my boss and I'm his fake wife for a reason." She stood up in anger and stamped to him.

"Suraj we need to talk." She was talking to his back, when he turned her face turned red, "about what you want to talk and why was it needed to shout at me? What I have done now?"

The owner of the restaurant, "Haan Chakor what is with you?"

Chakor blinks with her eyes, "nothing. You are all misunderstanding it. I was about to talk to you, why are we going to drop the kids home. You know, they live nearby all of them." She was smiling awkwardly at him, while the kids were trying not to laugh loud.

Suraj frowns, "Yaar they ate with us, their parents need to know who we are, like Yaar strangers do harm kids, but we don't na."

Chakor was biting on her lower lip. These kids and Yash, aren't less than the circus waiting for me at his place. "Haan Suraj, you are right, but won't we be late then? You know we have to keep an eye on the zoo at home."

Suraj took a deep breath, "right. We have to reach home. Well Yash could you drop them and say something on my behalf to their parents?"

Yash nodded and the kids bid-bye to them.

Suraj was a bit upset. What was this, I had so much fun now I have to go back to a family, who uses me like an ATM, damn it. The kids were so refreshing, but this Chakor, only focused on work.

Chakor moans noiseless. I don't want to go back, but what to do, we have to get that witch out of the house, I mean circus. All those are like wild animals, but animals have shame and respect for their home. They fight for it, but they don't. Poor Suraj bearing so much for them.

The drive was silent...

Suraj stopped the car, he doesn't wanted to enter the house, "oh man, I hope they have done something."

"Better for them or else I won't leave them." Chakor said closing the door, her hands were full with the shoppers, but Suraj took them from her.

"No excuses, I will carry them or you. Decided." Suraj said, for a moment she was thinking what if he really would carry her inside the house.

Suraj could read her mind, "may I?"

Chakor shows him her 32 teeth, "why not?"

Suraj lifted her in bridal style and entered the house with her, "last night wasn't as romantic as I thought," Suraj said and Chakor nodded to him, "I know, but this is one makes me forget the disturbance of the last few hours. You know, your weird so called family?"

Suraj nodded, "haan, so called Family. And I got to know why Tara is here."

"Yes, finally she found a shelter to hide her face. Poor girl. No one wanted her now I understood why your parents let her stay. But I have to say she isn't doing a good job." Chakor was looking around the house was looking like a mess, "I'm sure we have given some instructions and works to do. I can see the alcohol is still there." Her anger was audible, Suraj put her on her feet.

"Yes you are right, looks like nothing has changed." Suraj was searching for the family, but it looks like they weren't at home.

Chakor was fuming in anger, "this is too much.  Now they will have to pay for it."

"Pay for it? Like what?" Suraj asked her a bit confused as she wasn't talking to him, she was murmuring something under her breath.

Suraj moves backwards. What happened to her? Maybe she is going mad, I shouldn't say anything and let her do whatever she wants to do or else I will become her target. No, I don't want to be her target..


Hope you enjoyed 😅 Next chapter is called Target 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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