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Recap: Chakor's truth is out, but Suraj has no problems with it.

Yash was surprised, "Okay, the accountant?" He asked as if they have forgotten him, there was an awkward feeling, the silent was unbearable for him that is why he broke the silence with a question.

Suraj looked at him, "wait," he ordered and filled his plate, he tasted the food and was silently chewing it. Chakor was scared, she moves to Yash like a shield, it was her decision to call them no one has forced them.

Suraj took a glass and filled with water, he drunk from it, his gaze was on them. Hmm is there something I'm missing? I just tasted the food to gave them a feedback.

He put the glass down and smiles, "you can go to the accountant and get the payment, but before that I want to give you a contract for the food catering. It's very good, I would love to praise the cook. Chakor we will go there and make the formalities with a legal contract."

Suraj opens the door, "Nisha Sharma?!" He calls the accountant, who was responsible for the payments.

A woman in her mid 30's appears, "Sir you called me." She was married, one of the things Suraj always care for, giving the possibility and ability to everyone, who needs it.

"Nisha this is Yash, he has delivered the food, please pay the invoice and make a new contact for them as our new caterer." Suraj said and nodded, "please follow me."

Yash gulps, he nods his head and left the conference room with her, Chakor was alone with everyone from the meeting.

Suraj looked at them, "hungry or not? I won't wait for anyone, because I'm hungry." He took the chair to arrange it, he sat on his place and starts to continue his food.

Chakor was looking at the others, all his business partners took their seat only Chakor was standing there like a statue, she couldn't move her legs were rooted on the ground, she wasn't even trying as she couldn't describe the inner feeling of her. Sir knows it, he isn't angry neither he fired me. He praised me with his word indirectly and he even gave them a contract for the future. He is so nice.

"Chakor?!" Suraj called her out of her trance, "Sir?" She looked at him, her hairs were a mess, she was so busy in arranging the food that she forgot herself. She removed the hair strands from her face to have a better view.

Suraj has put the chair back, he offered her to sit next to him, Chakor nodded and took the place, they all have started with the food and were praising it like Suraj did before.

"It's really good!"

They continued with their meeting, while Chakor was back on her desk, she was looking at the calendar of Suraj, she had to make arrangements about his next tour. Sir is going on a business tour, I don't know who is going to do the booking for the hotel room, maybe Mrs. Sharma can help me? Oh the folder.

Chakor took out the folder and started to search for business tours, there she found a to-do list for all the necessary work for her.

Chakor was about to write emails for the hotel room bookings, but then the meeting ended and all came out. They left the company and Suraj was back in his cabin, he was looking at some files, when he heard the knock on his cabin door.

"Come in!"

Chakor opens the door, she closed the door behind her and gave him a warm smile, her gaze wasn't fixed on him neither was she trying to hide her feelings, "Thank you." A small smile on her face, which brightened after thanking him.

Suraj put the file on the desk, "please have a seat." He points on the chair in front of him.

Chakor took a deep breath, she sat down and waited for his outburst. It was just too much to think he will accept me. My imagination was playing with me, he pretended to be a good human, but who wants a nameless woman to be working in his company?

Suraj gave her a bundle of papers, "read it, think of it and sign on it if you want."

Chakor looked up, his voice was so calm the words were like a small refreshing breeze in her ears, "what?" She asked flabbergasted, she was expecting a shout, an outburst even a fire. But nothing like this, she was flattered by him.

"This is a permanent contract for the job you are currently working on, for me." Suraj said and Chakor was just looking at the contract. Her eyes brimmed, the contract was hiding it, but her voice gave him an indicator, "thank you..." a small yet hearable sniff.

Suraj looked at her, "Chakor?" He put the contract down from her hand and gave her a hanky, "whatever was the past of your mother has nothing to do with your now and future. She was lead to a work like this and trust me, there are many women and men, who do the same thing having a respectful name and reputation, they are just good in covering it."

Chakor took the hanky, she wipes the tears away and thanked him again, "Sir, you said to give the small restaurant a caterer contract. Is that true?"

"Do I look to you like a liar?"

Chakor shook her head, "no, you look to me to the most honest man I have ever met." She stood up and left the room, without looking into the contract she signed it.

"So much trust?"

Chakor nodded, "the same you have on me."

The door closed and Chakor was back on her seat. She was beyond happiness and Suraj gave the contract to the Human Resources department.

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