Chapter 7

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Authors note: to make this story less boring I skipped ahead a couple of weeks to get to the real core of the storyline. :)

Hey Mel." I heard the familiar sound of my brother's voice whilst I was sipping my coffee. He paused, probably waiting for me to answer him, but instead I just continued to sip on my coffee.
"Are you sure you're still taking your medication?"

"Reece where is this randomly coming from?" I turned towards him with the mug engaged between my fingers.
"I have never lied to you before in my life." Except I have lied to him, I always have...

"You lied to me about going to dance for 2 years." He folded his arms across his chest and raised one of his eyebrows. This just caused me to roll my eyes and turn away from him again.

"We've already discussed this Reece. I'm always compared to you, you don't understand it."

Reece sighed before taking out an object form in his pocket. I caught a glimpse of the cylinder bottle filled with my yellow rounded tablets which I transferred over from the box the doctor gave me them in.
"I found your bottle and you haven't been taking them at all. It looks like you haven't been for a while."

"Well, guess what? They're gimps. They're fake tablets the doctors gave me to make me believe I was getting better...They don't work. It's all a sham." I placed my mug next to the sink and grabbed the bottle.
"Searching through my stuff isn't going to make you find what you're looking for by the way."

"How did you know I was looking for something?"

"Because you found my pills."

"You've changed a lot since we first got here...I don't know what's gotten into you. Is it because you're not taking the tablets? Is your anxiety getting worse?" He questioned me, following me up the stairs. I placed the bottle of pills back into my backpack and did the zip up.
"Are you doing drugs?"

"Reece, shut up." I was getting tired of his assumptions about me all because I was struggling with a few things and refusing to take my medication.
"I would never do drugs or touch it. The thought of it makes me want to throw up. From not being on the medication, my anxiety has been completely fine." Which wasn't all a lie, I've just been distracting myself with stuff that I had distanced myself from because of the way it made me feel. Going back to it and distracting myself fully from my brother and his goofy band mates and being stuck in Cheshire at Blake's house has helped me to cope with a lot of the situations that life throws at me.
"The medication has made things worse for me."

"Why are you acting so different then?"

"I'm the same person I always was. Just with less anxiety." I swung the straps to my backpack over my shoulders.

"Where are you going?" He asked. He had not stopped asking my questions all day, I needed a break.

"Out, away from your questions being bombarded at me from left right and centre. I need a little bit of alone time to collect my thoughts together." I responded before closing the front door behind me. Holding the two straps around my shoulders I made my way down the street, it was almost the middle of the night and the darkness surrounding me made me feel comfortable and free.

I wandered down the street, feeling suddenly weary of the situation. It felt like someone was watching me and stalking my every move. It can't be them again, they already failed the first time...I continued to wander down the path, picking up a speed in my walk, I should be fine if I just circle around the estate back to Blake's house; I could not deal with a stalker right now...

Suddenly, a body jumped out from behind a bush and tried to jump me. I stumbled backwards, making sure to not let my backpack or the contents leave my body or sight! I could see from the outline of the body that whoever this was, was about to swing at me so I stamped his foot with mine and drove my fist straight into his stomach so he tumbled backwards, toppled over and grabbing his stomach. The outline of the slimmer and shorter body grabbed my arm and I felt the impact of his knee go straight into my pressure point on my thigh. All I could do was groan out in pain before my elbow made contact with the attackers cheek, sending him crashing down to the ground. I quickly ducked as a fist came flying over my head and I grabbed the arm of the guy and someone else that suddenly swung at me, twisting both of their arms so they moaned out in a lot of pain.

I had no idea how many attackers there were so I started to panic as I saw outlines of bodies in the darkness. My heart was beating at a thousand miles per hour so I did what I thought was best and started to run. However, I was tripped over by one of the attackers and hit my jaw on the ground first before I had a chance to place my hands on the ground. Luckily for me, my jaw didn't break and I only cut or scraped it on the path.

I tried turning around and pulling myself up as quick as possible but they got to me first and threw a bag over my head, tying both my hands and feet up...

A coupon of hours must have passed because I woke up in complete darkness, with my hands and feet still tied up. I heard footsteps and the bag was suddenly removed from my head causing me to squint as they adjusted to the light. As soon as they did I knew the situation I was in...There were a bunch of people with his arms crossed stood all around me in a circle. I turned my head towards the muscly, body builder stood next to me, whom had a huge scar going down from his eye to his jaw.

"Mark. What took you so long to get here?" I smirked as he signalled over to a scrawny, short boy in front of me.

Author's note again: be ready for a lot of drama throughout this book from now on. I'm proud of how this book is going to turn out and how it changes so suddenly to everything that Melanie now has to deal with alongside having to deal with her brother throwing questions at her and complications with the band members ;)

Be ready.

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