Hailey has always wondered why she's always been a outcast and why she's been attracted to the water then one day she finds out why...
Want to find out why? Read this book! hopefully you like it!
I wasn't able to tell you guys about me on my profile...
Hoi Guyz!!!! I really need to get back on track with the story. I hope thats what happens in this chapter. Here we go!!!! The picture is Jin. I'm at school right now and I just finished up my LAST STAAR test for the year, yay!!!!! *** The next day I hope that today will be a normal day. Thankfully they have a fan meet today. NOTHING goes wrong at a fan meet. Sara let's mr borrow some of her clothes to wear. A pink hoodie crop top, ripped skinny jeans, and white low-top convers.
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(Tried to make it big enough sorry'z)
We head outside and climb into the limo. Once we're there there's a red carpet and a LOT of fans and I mean a LOT. As we walk across the red carpet there's alot of camera's flashing, news people asking questions, people asking autographs,etc. As I expected the group sign people pictures of them. We get inside and they take their seats at a long table (I don't know how a fan meet works sorry.) A few minutes later the room is flooded with people. Geez, I didn't think THIS many people would be here I thought like a couple hundred people. But NOPE. More like a hundred thousands! In a few seconds everyone is lining up and BTS songs come on. I walk over to the stage and sit on top of it. I swing my legs back and forth looking around. I spot a long table with a bunch of food on it. I old use a bite to eat. I slide off the stage and start making my through the thousands of people towards the table, next thing I know I'm ambushed by a bunch of people with microphones and cameras. My guess is that their the news crew. "What is it like being related to Suga?" One of them asks. "Is it true your actully related to Suga?" Another one asks. AHHHHHHH!!!! So many questions! I can't take it!!! Their waving their microphones in my face!!!! Before I can even say anything I'm pulled out of the crowd. "Geez, I guess it was true," I hear a familiar voice say and I look at them. My eyes go wide and I jump back. "Jonah!What are you doing here?" I ask suprised blushing. "Oh, Emma's here," he reply's. A moment passes. "..." "Well I'm going to go," he says akwardly "bye." "Bye," I say and Sara comes up to me, "talk about akward," she says and I give a tou-better-shut-up-right-now look. "What?! It's true! And don't look like your about to kill me!" "Can I borrow this? Thanks," I ask a random person and take their magazine from them without waiting for a response. I hit Sara on the head with it. "Ow!" She winces. And I smirk. "I think I'm going to leave you alone now." What happened with Jonah? Well let's just say that one of us had a crush on the other and the other found out... can you guess who? Me. It was me. His sister, Emma told him and after that I don't talk to him, even if I talk to his sister. I walk over to the BTS group which are giving people autographs. "Hello," I say bored. "Hi," Suga says as he signs a picture. "Why arn't you with Sara?" "Oh, I scared her off," I reply and he gives me a are-you-serious look. I smile. "There she is!" I hear a voice say and slowly turn around with my eyes closed. I open my eyes. Of course! There's always a paparazzi! But why did they say 'her'? Oh no... "Now you know how we feel," V says in Korean smiling at me. I squint my eyes at him. "Gotta go!" I say once I remember the paparazzi and run off. "Wait! Come back!" One of the paparazzi people say "we have to ask you some questions!" I keep running when I get pulled into a hallway. Jonah?! Again?! Ugh! "Why are you always David me from-" he puts he hand over my mouth and the paparazzi pass us. I push his hand off my mouth. "What is wrong with you?" "Did you want to get trampled?" He asks. "No," I mumble "but I could have handled it by myself!" "Could you really?" He asks giving me a look. "Yes!" I shoot back and leave the hallway "now if you don't mind, I would like to continue with my day." *** Later that day the lines have shortened and the room has cleared a bit, a BIT. At least the paparazzi gave up and left. Thank the gods! And thankfully this was a NORMAL day for once!