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"Biggest fear"

You once asked what is my biggest fear. "Is it darkness, death or so what?"
"I really don't know what is my biggest fear. Death? we all know that one day we will die, so what's the point of being scared? And darkness, I found peace there. Maybe one day I will figure it out. How about yours?"
"My biggest fear is one day I'm not able to see this world, this world may be a bit mess but I love being here"
"So your biggest fear is death?"
"Yeah, Maybe"

And years passed with struggles. I realize what is my biggest fear. Living without you, by my side. Facing darkness without you holding my hands. Death nor darkness isn't my biggest fear, but the fact that I will continue my journey without you, scared me most. I wish you are still here with me. Asking what is my biggest fear so i can answer you "withou you, being here"

"Im so scared sweet creature, i hope you are here to comfort me"

When Tears Become PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon