chapter 8 - Sleeper

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Since Spike was now staying at my house after we moved him from the school basement, after learning from Holden that Spike was Holden's sire, I got home quickly, walking in to see Mom there.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Zoey?" Mom asked.

"Where're Dawn and Spike?" I asked.

"Dawn's at Kit's, her friend's," Mom answered. "What about Spike?"

"Is Spike here?" I asked.

"No, he's out," Mom answered. "At least, he was when I got home."

"Any idea where he went?" I asked.

"I don't know," Mom told me. "Creature of the night, Zoey. He's probably out creaturing." I looked out of the window worriedly. "Why? What happened? Is he in trouble?"

I sighed, concerned and worried. "I hope not."


Mom was pouring us coffee. "Why would a vampire lie about who sired him? What's that? Some kind of status symbol for the undead? 'My sire can beat up your sire'?"

Mom sat next to me, giving me coffee.

"I'm not saying I don't believe him," I told her.

Mom took a drink. "You just don't want to. Okay, let's look at this objectively. Figure it out in a cold, impersonal, CSI-like manner, 'cause we're a couple of carpet fibers away from a case."

"Spike can't be the one doing this," I told her. "He couldn't if he wanted to."

"Why not?" Mom asked.

"Well, for one thing, pain chip, remember?" I asked. "He can't hurt anyone."

"I'm just being objective here," Mom told me. "But maybe the chip's not working anymore."

"Oh, it's working," I told her. "I've seen it."

"Is it?" Mom asked. "Or is that what Spike wants you to think?"

"You think it's an act?" I asked.

"I don't really know," Mom admitted. "And neither do you."

I sighed, shaking my head. "No. Mm-mm. There's something. I--I can feel it. He's different. He's changed. And, if it is an act, then the Oscar goes to..."

Spike walked in. Mom and I stopped talking, looking at him in surprise.

Spike stopped in his tracks. "Well, this can't be good. There trouble?"

I shook my head. "No, no trouble. I was just... uh, we were just..."

Spike nodded. "Right." He shut the door. "None of my business. No worries."

Spike walked toward the basement.

I stood, walking toward him. "Spike. I... how was your night?"

Spike shrugged. "All right. And yours? Did you, uh, bag any baddies?"

"One," I answered. "Vampire. Uh, someone I used to know, actually. Holden. Holden Webster."

Spike looked expressionless. "You knew him, huh?" He walked closer. "That must've been a picnic."

I scoffed. "Yeah."

"Well, I'm gonna turn in before I drop," Spike told us, opening the basement door. "Good night."

Spike walked into the basement, walking into the basement. I walked toward Mom, sighing.

Mom stood. "You see that? You see how he reacted when you mentioned Holden?"

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