chapter 11 - Show Time

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Another Potential Slayer was coming to town by bus, but she was being attacked by three Bringers. I grabbed two, throwing them apart. The third Bringer ran away. The other two I had thrown came back. Bringer 1 tried to stab me, but I grabbed his hand, stabbing the other Bringer with the knife he was holding. The stabbed Bringer doubled over in pain. I kicked him to the ground, watching him fall dead. The Bringer I was still fighting spun out of my grip. I grabbed him from behind, holding him in a choke hold until I snapped his neck, killing him, letting him fall.

I looked toward Bringer 3. "Hey." I picked up a Bringer's knife. "Try picking on someone my own size." I threw the knife at the fleeing Bringer, making it impale his back and heart, killing him, watching him fall. I walked up to the new Potential, who was cowering on the ground. "Rona, right?" Rona nodded. "I just got word you were arriving."

I offered her a hand.

Rona took it, letting me help her up. "Which one are you?"

"Zoey," I answered. "We're about to go see the other Potentials, and the other Slayer Buffy."

Rona was out of breath, looking around the parking lot. "You know, I thought, uh, they told me I'd be safe here."

I chuckled awkwardly. "Right. Well, you are. I mean, you will be... safer... with us around."

Rona nodded. "That's good."

I led her away. "Next time you're attacked--"

Rona followed, panicked. "Whoa, whoa, next time? You saying I'm gonna get attacked again?"

I nodded. "Welcome to the Hellmouth."


I brought Rona to the Summers house where the other Potentials were waiting, seeing that everyone was still awake. "You guys are still up?"

Xander sat up with a fake smile. "Ah, who needs sleep?"

"Everybody, this is Rona," I introduced, gesturing to Rona.

Everyone spoke together, including Andrew, who was still tied to his chair. "Hi, Rona."

Xander leaned forward, smiling. "Hey, Rona."

Rona had her arms crossed, surveying the room, seeing Andrew. "Um..." She looked at me. "Why is that guy tied to a chair?"

Xander smirked. "The question you'll soon be asking is, 'why isn't he gagged?'"

"Zoey, we're gonna have to figure something out with the more Potentials coming," Buffy told me. "This place is cramped everywhere..."

"You want me and Dawn and my mom to house more Potentials in our house?" I asked.

"Your house is literally a street away," Buffy told me. "The closest house out of the other Scoobies."

I smirked, sighing. "I'll talk to my mom."

"Thank you," Buffy told me.

Anya walked in with a rolled up sleeping bag.

Giles followed her in. "Molly, why don't you show our new houseguest where the kitchen is. I'm sure she's hungry after her travels."

Molly held a bag of potato chips, standing. "Fair enough. I'm a bit peckish myself."

Rona looked at Anya. "Bit what as well?"

"That's English for 'hungry'," Anya explained, unrolling the sleeping bag, arranging it on the floor.

Rona followed Molly, speaking to herself. "Oh, here I thought 'hungry' was English for 'hungry'."

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