Zoe x Ezreal [LIGHT LEMON]

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It was a pretty normal day on summoners rift, Zoe just purchased her starting items before happily jumping into the midlane. "Hmm... who is my enemy laner gonna be?", she murmured to herself and starting singing a melody while dancing a little to it. Her mood was pretty good today. "Time for a true display of skill", a sudden voice came from inside a bush. "Are you... the person I think you are?" Her question made her enemy laner leave the bush, exposing himself as Ezreal (I don't rly like ppl who play Ezreal mid but why not *shrug*). Zoe immediately blushed, Ezreal has been her crush for quite a long time. "H-Hey! I'm Zoe. You're Ezreal! I know that! Ugh... nevermind." Ezreal chuckled at her shy behavior. "You really belong in a museum, haha", he said, aaaand Zoe had to tilt her head cuz of that random statement. But kindoff she also had to blush. "I... I really love you Ezreal! And being my enemy laner is gonna be some real fun, right?!"

The two laned for a while, farming minions and poking the other a few times, and Zoe got more nervous after time. Every time Ezreal killed her, her wish of him messing her up grew bigger. After he had killed her 6 times, he just stood there and stared at her. "Why aren't you fighting me properly, Zoe?", he asked, sounding a bit annoyed. "I can't... my love",was her only answer. That just made him sigh deeply. "I know you have been nerfed a lot. But you make yourself weaker than you actually are right now. That's no fun."

"Do you know why I make myself weaker right now, Ezzy?" -"No?"

"Because you touching me makes me so horny~~ Aaahh my crush is touching me!!" Ezreal didn't really know what to respond to that, he had been seduced by Lux quite a few times, but she's never called him her 'crush'. He shrugged and asked PEARL, his pulsfire program, for help. "Scanning for real threats... none detected", was the only thing it had to say about it. "I know she's not a real threat", he responded, "but what are we gonna do? This game will still go a while and I don't want to lane against someone who, for whatever reason, doesn't really fight me." - "You can't learn this experience in a book tho", the program said.

While Ezreal and PEARL had their conversation, Zoe prepared something she always kept with herself in case she'd had an opportunity to use it. "Every system has a weakness, and I'm going to find Ezreal's with this no matter what!", she whispered to herself. She backported, bought her Lich Bane and came back to the lane, letting Ezreal see her before she disappeared into the darkness of the midlane bush leading to the river. Of course Ezreal saw her, and she wanted exactly that.

"PEARL, did you see that?" - "Yes." Ezreal grabbed his items and began running. "Let's follow her!" - "Target acquired", PEARL responded.

At the same time, Zoe hid some love dose inside the HP fruits that grew near the river, and from which she knew that Ezreal loved eating all of them. The dose of all fruits would be enough to make him do things he normally wouldn't... she chuckled. She slid back into the bush without anyone seeing her because apparently Ezreal's botlane was too bad to put a ward into the river ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (we all know those botlaners xd). A few seconds later, Ezreal came through a bush and stood in the river, no one around him in the darkness. "Where did she go?", he silently asked. Not even a second had passed and a tunnel appeared close to him, Zoe hopping through it and kissing him deeply before disappearing back into the void. "Hiya!", she shouted. "I've got a magic present for you, here it comes!", and there came the sleepy trouble bubble hitting the totally perplex Ezreal who still was traumatized by the kiss. He got the E, and received a full 800 dmg Q right afterwards, making him low HP. He quickly dodged another Q with his E jump and ran towards the fruit. Zoe smiled evily. "Stop, Zoe. STOP!", she heard Ezreal shout as he had to dodge thousands of Q's by Zoe. "Changed your mind about me yet, hehe?", she laughed happily. He hit the fruit, making it drop 5 small HP potions which were dosed by Zoe earlier. He ate all of them and went back to go to the lane. But Zoe had suddenly disappeared, and that made him worry where she could be to try killing him again. He threw a ward into the bush she had been in before, but no one was there. Also, a strange feeling started to come up in his chest. After a few minutes of of him laning alone, Zoe suddenly came back to lane as if nothing happened. She sometimes looked at him sneakily, looking away once he noticed. Ezreals face started to grow red, and he used his E randomly, now standing directly in front of Zoe.

"So this is the type of game you like", he heard her say before he went asleep because of the sleepy trouble bubble again. She used this chance to drag him into a dark bush where no one would see them. Once Ezreal woke up, he saw Zoe sitting on his body, asking him: "I have a question I wanna ask buuuuuuut I need you to say yes before I ask it." - "What?"
"Wanna do something to me~?", she seductively asked and pulled her shirt up a bit. Ezreal wanted to push her away, but the love dose inside the HP potions made his body unmovable. "Zoe... what did you do to me?", he tried to ask, the thoughts inside his head changing already before he even finished saying this sentence. He grabbed her small wrists and pushed her onto her back. "So you want me to do something to you? It sounds dangerous... so I'm in!" His program PEARL tried to say anything against it, but he put in on standby and started stripping down Zoe's cloths. "It's time to get our hands dirty, my girl", he said and slid down Zoe's underwear, making her lay under him completely naked. His fingers went over her hot skin, and her heart raced from exiety. "We're gonna be having fun, right?", she shyly looked at him. "Yes we will." With that words Ezreal and Zoe sank into a deep french kiss, and he pushed his hard crotch against her. He touched every little bit of her body, exploring (haha! best joke :D... sorry xd) her while turning her on through light rubs between her legs. "Come on... do it geez~", Zoe's wimpering voice didn't stop him, and so they had intense exploring games in private, while their other teammates searched for the disappearing midlaners.

(If you want a more detailed description of their exploring games, be sure to tell me c;)

They could only be stopped by Zoe's team destroying the other teams nexus. The game ended, separating the two and making them diappear into thin air. Zoe felt that she soon would be away from Ezreal, so she kissed him once again, thrusting her hips against his one more time and whispering "I love you... even though you won't remember anything from today. I'll never give you up nor give you to anyone else. You're mine, Ezreal❤"

~ the end ~


GEEEEEEEZ, I finally finished this fanfic xD
I had it unfinished a few days on my tablet, but now I finally had the time to bring it to an end. I hope you liked it ^^ I think from now on I'll write down the fanfics in the order in which I'm gonna upload them, so you guys can be excited for what's gonna come soon!
And I really hope to see you again in one or more of them :)

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