Chapter Sei: The One Where She Wants To Kiss Him.

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CalmBrother: Dylan O'Brien is so fucking hot.

CalmBrother: Like, yES PLEASE.

DirtyCliffo: And you're talking to your boyfriend about it?

CalmBrother: I don't have any other friends!

CalmBrother: Leave me be, Moo.

DirtyCliffo: What is your obsession with that nickname?

DirtyCliffo: Not that it isn't cute!

DirtyCliffo: It just, it came out of no where.

CalmBrother: One, that's what she said.

CalmBrother: Two, fanfiction.

DirtyCliffo: You're a sicko

DirtyCliffo: But you're cool

DirtyCliffo: So you're sool. . . ?

DirtyCliffo: Or, cocko?

DirtyCliffo: Oh, shit, no, wait!

CalmBrother: COCKO, OMG *laughing emoji*

CalmBrother: As much as I wanna keep laughing at that, I also wanna cuddle you.

CalmBrother: And kiss Dylan O'Brien.

CalmBrother: I mean you.

DirtyCliffo: :(

CalmBrother: Hey, don't frown.

CalmBrother: :(

DirtyCliffo: Turn your frown upside down, girly!

CalmBrother: ):

DirtyCliffo: Smartarse.

CalmBrother: :)

DirtyCliffo: There we go!

CalmBrother: :-D

DirtyCliffo: Not with the nose, it's bad enough when Luke does them.

CalmBrother: It's cute though

CalmBrother: :-)

DirtyCliffo: :(

DirtyCliffo: You're cute though

CalmBrother: Smooth, Clifford.

DirtyCliffo: :D

DirtyCliffo: what you been up to, gorgeous?

CalmBrother: You're a flirty sim today

CalmBrother: I ate, I wrote some of my #Bikey fanfic, and started talking to you. :)

CalmBrother: What about you, Mikey?

DirtyCliffo: The boys and I went to the hotel pool earlier, but I stayed in the shade (obviously).

CalmBrother: Cause you burn in the sun?

CalmBrother: You fucking vampire

DirtyCliffo: Yes.

CalmBrother: Lame.

CalmBrother: I'm team Jacob.

CalmBrother: Kidding, I haven't seen, or read, Twilight.

CalmBrother: but I do prefer werewolves.

DirtyCliffo: How did this conversation go from you wanting to kiss Dylan O'Brien to Werewolves?

CalmBrother: How did you go from being my best friend Michelle to my boyfriend Michael?

DirtyCliffo: Fair enough.

CalmBrother: Exactly.

DirtyCliffo: Hey, question?

CalmBrother: Answer.

DirtyCliffo: ;)

DirtyCliffo: Would you wanna meet in real life?

CalmBrother: wat

DirtyCliffo: Do you, Bella Parker, want to meet me, Michael Clifford, in person?

*ten minutes later*

DirtyCliffo: Bels?

DirtyCliffo: You could just say no. . .

CalmBrother: Huh?

CalmBrother: Sorry, I fell asleep.

CalmBrother: Anyways, yES I WANNA MEET YOU!

DirtyCliffo: Oh my god *laughing emoji*

DirtyCliffo: I love you so much

CalmBrother: You what

DirtyCliffo: uh


Heyyy, guyyssss! (And girls)!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I can't wait to upload the next one!

Love you all!

~Bels Xx

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