Chapter Dieci: The One Where She's Nervous.

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-One Month til they meet-

CalmBrother: Michael? Are you awake?

DirtyCliffo: Yeah, what's up?

CalmBrother: Nothing really, just kinda nervous. . .

DirtyCliffo: What about, baby?

CalmBrother: I don't know

CalmBrother: I guess, meeting you guys will make this all so real and I don't know if I'm ready for that

CalmBrother: Like, I've basically worshipped you guys through a screen, and I'm actually gonna meet you all.

CalmBrother: I'm scared to fuck this up

CalmBrother: I'm scared to fuck us up

CalmBrother: What if you don't like the way I look in real life?

CalmBrother: What if you don't like how the top of my head reaches the top of your shoulder?

CalmBrother: What if I'm more annoying in person than I am through messages?

CalmBrother: I can't do it

CalmBrother: I think I'm having a panic attack, I can't.

Her phone suddenly starts ringing, making her jump, her small, shaky hands reaching for the small device.

She slides her finger across the screen before placing it against her ear,

"Hello?" She squeaks into the phone, trying to remain a calm posture.

"Bella?" He breathes from the other end of the line, making her heart skip a beat.

"Michael?" She whispers shakily, curling her knees up to her chest.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you so worried to meet us, baby?" He soothes her with his smooth, deep voice, making her shoulders relax a bit.

"I-I don't know, I just. . . I don't know," She whimpers out, sniffling as her eyes well up with tears,

"I don't want you to be disappointed when you see how I am in person, Mike. You fell in love with my online self, I'm not that out-going, or confident, offline, I'm not,"

"Bels. . ."

"I'm awkward, I make other people awkward cause I can't hold up a conversation,"


"I'm clingy as fuck, especially when I'm as attached to someone as I am to you, and I can't, I just can't," She finalizes, her voice cracking a little, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, you have nothing to be apologising for," He calmly says,

"All I care about, is that; you're happy, healthy, and alive. If you don't wanna meet this soon, okay, I'll accept that, but don't start putting yourself down,

Because, online and offline, you're one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and I love you."

Her heart skips a beat at that, the corners of her lips twitching into a small smile, calming more from his words.

"I love you back," She whispers, hardly remembering that, about two seconds ago, she was mid-panic attack.

"Thank you," She says softly, honestly so grateful for having this amazing person in her life, "Honestly, it means a lot to me."

"Well, I can't just leave my beautiful girlfriend when she's in need," She could hear his giddy smile through the phone, making her thin, yet plump, lips turn into an even wider smile.

"You're the best boyfriend ever." She states, cooing at the yawn of his that takes place after she speaks. "Am I boring you, am I?" She teases.

"No, not at all," She could just imagine him shaking his head, even though she can't see it, "Did you want me to stay on the phone until you fall asleep?"

"If that's okay?" She replies in a small voice, basically resembling a whisper.

"Of course, just try to get some rest."

She nods, forgetting he can't see her, and lays on her bed with the phone next to her on loud speaker, the volume on low.

"Thank you," She whispers, once again, closing her eyes.

"Anytime," He whispers back, smiling at the beautiful girl with blue-black hair, like she's an angel. His angel, he smiles at the thought, watching as she drifts into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guyssss!

Hope you like this chapter!

I had to rewrite it a couple of times cause I kept getting mixed between first and third persons point of view, haha!

Love you all!

Peace out, yo!

~Bels Xx

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