Chapter Quattordici: The One Where He's Flirting.

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*private chat*

DirtyCliffo: Are you serious right now?

CalmBrother: Am I serious with what?

DeadCliffo: Luke is clearly flirting, but that's not the worst thing!

DirtyCliffo: YOU'RE clearly flirting back!

DirtyCliffo: Right in front of me! Wtf?

CalmBrother: WHAT

CalmBrother: Michael, that's insane!

CalmBrother: I'm not flirting, and even if I am, it's all play.

CalmBrother: You know how I am

CalmBrother: You know I'd never do that

DirtyCliffo: Yeah, well, I obviously don't know you as well as I thought, so. . .

DirtyCliffo: Bye, Bella.

CalmBrother: What's that supposed to mean?

CalmBrother: Michael, was that you breaking up with me?

*ten minutes later*

CalmBrother: Are you serious right now?!

CalmBrother: You know, breaking up with me or not, I break up with YOU.

CalmBrother: I am dumping you.

CalmBrother: You know why?

CalmBrother: Cause I actually trusted you to trust me when it came to things like this.

CalmBrother: Looks like I was wrong to do that, but whatever.

CalmBrother: Fuck you, Clifford.

*next morning*

DirtyCliffo: Bels?
*error: message not sent*

DirtyCliffo: Bella?
*error: message not sent*

DirtyCliffo: Did you block me?
*error: message not sent*

DirtyCliffo: I'm sorry. . .
*error: message not sent*

*swaps to text*

Michael: Babe?
*message not sent: number blocked*

He frowns, the guilt rising even more than it already had in the past day.

"Fuck," He mumbles, a tear falling from his already watery eyes, he wipes it away quickly.

"I'm sorry," He sniffles, "I fucked up."


Hellooo, my people!

So, , , I know this chapter is like super short, but, uh, Bikey is dead.

Have a great day, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading!

Love you all!

Peace out, yo!

~Bels Xx

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