Chapter 21

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     We were sitting in the ice cream shop enjoying our ice creams. I got mint chocolate chip with whip cream while Drake got vanilla ice cream with i don't know how many topping. He devoured his ice cream.getting it all over his mouth and nose. I laughed, he's such a little kid. "so why'd you run away from home." My smile disappeared. I played with the spoon spinning it around in the cup. "it's okay if you dont want to talk about it." I looked up at Drake and giggled at his sad green puppy eyes with whipcream all over his nose. I wipped the whip cream off, making him cringe his nose in the cutest way. "I ran away because, i hated being in that house. I would do anything in my will to get away. And my parents never cared so they never stopped me. I honestly don't think they even love me. It's been almost 8 months and now is when i see the 'missing' signs put up. And i bet they weren't even gonna put up the signs if it wasn't for my uncle joshua. He was suppose to come last week. But i can never go back home. I'll never go back." He raised both eyebrows. "your uncle josh sounds like a cool guy, sucks that you're not cool." I laughed and punched his arm. From the corner of my eye I saw two girls that worked here standing not so far from us. I enhanced my hearing to see why their eyes where peircing at us. 'yeah he's really cute, but he has a girlfriend.' I felt myself blush and i looked up at Drake who was licking the bowl clean. 'maybe they're just siblings, should i ask?" My head shot up. I grabbed Drake's hand and intertwined our fingers. He had a questioning face yet he was still blushing. I winked at him and shot him a glance to the left where the girls were. He looked making it super obvious. I covered my face with my hand looking out the window. How embarrassing. I saw him wave at the girls and i heard them giggle. 'omg he is cute! But wait? Isn't she the girl that's missing?" My heart started to pound out of my chest. Drake saw my face and i bet my eyes were changing color. "Aurora what's wrong?" I ignored his question and kept listening. 'omg i think it is her?! The reward is like 1,000 bucks, bro, you know how many Michael Kors bags I could buy with that money? Lets just go up to he-' I stopped listening there and stood up quickly still holding hands with Drake. I stormed out ignoring the two teen girl jabbering their lips off trying to get me to talk to them. Me and Drake ran out fast, well me running while dragging him.

     "Aurora! Wait I c-can't run anymore." He said out of breath. He sat down in the middle of the sidewalk, we were like 4 blocks away from the ice cream shop so i didn't have to worry. "why igsactly are we running again?" I plopped down next to him. "I can't live here anymore Drake." His eyes widened. "what? Why? Did I do something wrong?" I laughed. "no, no, no you have done nothing wrong. You've only helped me discover who i really am. But now that my parents are looking for me. I need to go." He had knitted eyebrows and sorrow eyes. "where are you gonna go?" He said quietly. "I guess I could go to Arizona where my uncle lives." He looked down then back at me. "I'll go with you." My heart flipped inside my chest. "really!" I tackeled him down to the floor with a hug. "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I heard his husky laugh. I looked at him and leaned in kissing him gently. Till he pressed deeper in the kiss. *HONK HONK* 'woooh get him baby!' I heard a guy whistle. I looked over and forgot we were next to a main street. Now that was embarrassing.

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