Chapter 3

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Taylor's Pov

I watch justin as he walks onto the set. He gets into position, and the camera man counts down from 3,2,1. The camera is rolling and I realize that Justin is staring at me, directly at me, and is not saying a word. The camera stops rolling and Johnny walks on an chats to Justin. I can't hear what they are saying.

At the end of the day, I unlock my car and notice Justin's car parked in front of me. He is sitting in his car, so I approach him to say hi.

"Hey Justin, good job today"

"Oh, Taylor, thanks", he says chuckling, "you on your way home?".

"Yeah, you?" I say very casually.

"I was just heading home too. Do you, I mean would you like.." He pauses and looks into his lap, then back up to me, "Nevermind", he finishes.


I arrive home and locate the script from my bedside table. I am curious to read it after Justin's comment earlier today. It's very good, very funny. I actually don't have that big of a part, but the part I do have is massively important.

I read on, and see something I did not sign up for. There a love scene, between myself and justin. I know we don't actually "make love" in this scene, but they seem pretty outrageous to be in an "M" rated movie. I think back to Justin's comment:

"Wait till you read the script, then you'll really look forward to shooting" or something similar.

This can't be the part of the script he was referring to, can it? It had to be, there was no other dominant scenes between us. Yet I find it hard to believe Justin would refer to love scenes as something you should look forward to. I am a virgin, and I live by the religious law "no sex before marriage". These love scenes are a type of acting I am not familiar to. I will talk to Johnny tomorrow, no, even better, I will call Justin.

I dig out his home phone number to which he had given to me after a talk show we had been on together. I dial the numbers, and wait.

Justin's Pov

The phone rings late at night and I pick it up ready to decline any promotional offers.

"Hello, Justin Timberlake speaking"

"Hey, Justin. This is Taylor? Taylor Swift".

"Oh hey Taylor, is there a problem?"

"Well actually, there might be. I was just wondering whether you have read the whole script to the end?"

"Yes..." I reply, nervous for an unknown reason.

"Um, well, did you notice the uh, love scenes? between us?" Taylor asks me.

"Um, well yeah. I did come across the love scene. Theres only one, I think. There's another where we just kiss" I answer matter of factly.

"Oh, okay. Did, I mean, when you signed up to do this movie, were you aware of this love scene?"

I am so surprised at where this conversation is going. It's so weird for Taylor to call me in the middle of the night and discuss a love scene we share in a movie. She must have a problem. She wouldn't just all me up to chat, we are not that close.

"No, actually, I had no idea. the first time I heard of us even kissing was in the script", I reply to her.

"Well, I'm gonna talk to Johnny about it on Monday I think. I don't feel comfortable - oh, not that I have a problem with you, cause I don't, I just wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone doing a love scene. I mean a real love scene would be fine, just not one that will be in movie cinemas for everyone and anyone to see. Oh, that came out wrong, I -"

"Shhhh, Taylor, it's okay. I get what you mean". I decided to stop her little rant there before she embarrassed herself further.

"Well that good", she laughed over the phone. Her laugh was beautiful, so relaxed and joyful, "I think I'll just talk to Johnny about it on Monday, then. Bye Justin, and sorry, you know, for calling you late at night and making a fool of myself".

"I'll see you on Monday, right?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I'll be there. Bye!"

And with that I hung up the phone, and read the script again. I have to admit, I look forward to acting alongside Taylor.

I really, really do.

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