❹ 【1945?】

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「Hello, Nougat here!
I went through my three chapters and made some changes (like BH noticing Flug's "facial expression" from the last part of the last chapter). I reworded it. If you want to know what else I changed, feel free to message me. A l s o ! If you see mistakes, I appreciate the corrections. It was probably unintentional and I'll fix it.
Same warnings from before apply.」


2:12, the clock blinks. It's taunting me isn't it. Like everything in this damn place. Even though I'm exhausted, and have all the reasons to sleep, I can't. Just a moment ago, it was 12, wasn't it? I've been lying in the same spot since boss came in and shoved me here.

Mm.. my visions's gone blurry. What does the clock say? 4:23... I seem to be drifting in and out of consciousness. I should've known I wouldn't be able to sleep properly. Oh, 4:27. I swear I close my eyes for just a second. Well, I guess this means I'm a morning person now . Or am I a night person? Maybe, I-don't-sleep-enough-so-it's-very-hard-to-pinpoint person. Yeah, whatever that could be.

Flug rubs the temples of his head. A sleep deprived headache has set in. Possibly also fed by anxiety. And lack of food. And stress. Probably.

It's a huge problem that I don't get enough sleep, he quietly reprimands himself. I'm a scientist after all... you need some kind of sleep schedule to come up with great inventions. I'm also an introvert... sure, Blackhat isn't socially draining since he rarely speaks with me, and 5.0.5. is quiet and sweet enough to be around that I hardly get tired from it, but Dementia sucks out whatever energy I have with a silly straw. And of course, I'm constantly terrified. Nauseous. Feeling like my life is in the hands of a murderous, blood-thirsty madman, which it is. I'd say that's pretty taxing on energy levels. And it doesn't help that I feel completely unappreciated for my work. Recently, Blackhat has been nicer. Which is confusing. At least I don't think my energy is being wasted entirely.

Why didn't I take a different job when I had the chance? When I wasn't scared for my life at the idea of quitting? Pfh, as if I don't know the reason. Blackhat was always my first choice when it came to masterminds I could work under. I wonder what he saw in me anyways. Blackhat, I mean. I've always wondered. That interview was disastrous.

Basically everything I brought in malfunctioned; my trinkets were running off electromagnetism, and upon entering boss's headquarters, all stopped working. Later, I researched into the mystery phenomenon, discovering some weird geological abnormalities. I always liked Blackhat, and I was downtrodden when that happened. I really wanted to land that interview. I'm actually a pretty great presenter and public speaker, despite what most might think looking at me, but it's very difficult to display something that's not working at all. Blackhat was disappointed as well, to say in the least... He's a busy villain. An amazing one as well. But it might be even more amazing that I managed to secure a job under him.

I remember how excited I was when I received a letter from the eldritch, telling me that I was hired. I still have it... it was sealed with gold wax set with a cursive BH: he even wrote out my entire name on the front in such perfect handwriting there was no question about whether I'd keep it. Apparently he doesn't practice those sorts of formalities very often. Which makes me feel pretty special. To be fair, he hasn't needed to rehire anyone since I came, so maybe I'm wrong. Ultimately, Blackhat isn't much for phone calls. He prefers handwritten messages. It's strangely charming... he's quite set in his ways, and even more strangely, quite gentlemanly about it. Of course it's a facade, but... wait. Charming..? Gentlemanly..?? Ugh, Flug, don't you start with that again.

I even read up on all of Blackhat's previous scandals. Got real familiar with what he likes to do; types of evil scheming. I built those magnetic contraptions around practical weapons and mental runarounds. Even though none of it worked, I remember staring in surprise as he took one in his hand, turning it over inquisitively. Mm. That small act made my day. Thinking I could entice the mind of my favorite villain. God damnit I sound like a school boy.

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