Chapter 3

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Boom. One stroke. I shout, feeling the blow in my body.

Boom. Two strokes. I cry, trying at same time, to crawl ...

Boom. Three strokes . A more powerful blow. I ended up not feeling pain.

Boom. Four strokes. I see a blur. I feel go ...

Nothing. I just see a dark. I don't see clearly but distinguishes someone. Peoples falls next to me , including the one that hurt me . I hear screams, I hear crying ... I recognized Hiccup, who fought against some people, before closing his eyes, he take me in his arms.

- Astrid ! Do you hear me ? Astrid ... please answer me ... Please, answer me, baby ! Stay with me ...

I want to respond . But I can not. I can not. I can no longer feel anything apart Hiccup near me.

- Someone to help me ! Gobber !

I felt a presence come close.

- Hiccup ?

- Gobber, please, bring Astrid on berk with other wounded. Quickly.

- But Hiccup, you can't stay , you have little chance against this man, he's raving mad ! Come with us!

- No.

- Hiccup ... If you ...

- No.

- You're going to kill you ! It is not a lack of confidence ... It's just that Drago is capable of anything , he wants your skin for Toothless, you remember ?!

- Gobber ... This is my choice. If this is the only way to save Berk, I will. I'm not alone, I have my parents , my two parents, and a few vikings are also here ... So in the end I'm not alone.

- I know you well enough to know that you will fight alone.

- That's what I intend to do , yes. But who cares, anyway it is necessary that it be done ... back on Berk, protect peoples and the village as you can. And make me a service : Take care of Astrid . If I do not come back, tell her I'm sorry and that... I love her. Promise me .

- I ... I promise.

I feel the hand of Hiccup caress my cheek .

- Astrid... Baby... Forgive me, I hasn't knew protect you.

I put suddenly my glass on the table , I exited of my thoughts, which didn't escape the other . At the moment everyone was not very talkative . The meals became almost boring since it lacked a place...

- Hard, eh?

I looked up to Ruffnut.

- What ? I asked

She frowned before applying to the entire of the gang.

- To talk . It seems that silence has become a habit .

- Talk if you have things to say! intervened Tuffnut

- If you have need to talk I'm here, me. launched Snotlout before launching a glance " Rival " to Fishlegs

- I didn't you anything asked , moron ! she said

Snotlout looked down at his plate. Fishlegs looked at me and opened (finally) the mouth.

- You are remote, Astrid .

Without looking up from my plate, I threw :

- Like everyone else ...

- It's time you stop thinking.

I looked Snotlout .

- What ?

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