Chapter 1

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I felt nothing, my fingers, my legs, my body... Nothing.

I heard nothing at all. I saw nothing except the complete darkness.

I was in a deep sleep , I was ... dead. At least, I thought.

Everything was empty around me , I felt alone in the world, forever. Only, I was alive and well ...

Gradually , I began to move my fingers and fidgeting . I felt born and discover for the first time the world who open up to me . I opened my eyes and saw the light. I closed them and then reopened . It had taken me a while to finally get used to that glow, I began to clearly distinguish the decor that presented itself to me. I was in a kind of " infirmary" and the structure of the house indicated that I was on Berk.

I turned my head left and right, and realized that I was not alone . There were other people . Some were seriously injured , others awaiting death ... At first I was afraid, I sat up quickly. Too quickly. My head began to spin, I trembled all over and I had hurt in several parts of my body . Images, scenes of what I had experienced came back to mind. In the distance I recognized Gobber who came towards me. He sat on the edge of the bed where I was and asked with concern :

-Astrid ... How do you feel?

I didn't answer . I asked myself full of questions. What perturbais me most was knowing where the others was , in particular one ... I began to breathe harder and harder and faster and faster . I felt my heart beat at high speed. I looked in both ways, and fear won me . Gobber put his hand on my shoulder , but I withdrew it after a few seconds.

- Gob... Gobber... where ... is Stormfly ?

He put his hand on my shoulder with suspicion .

- She is somewhere outside but please do you have to ...

- And where ... where is Hiccup ?

He did not answer right away.

He huffed and said in a low voice :

- He's okay ... He's okay, don't worry


He lowered his head .

- He remained there.

I felt bad. Very badly. Tears came to my eyes .

- Wha ... what? No ... no ... he could not stay there , he didn't ... He ...

- It'll go ... Don't worry, it will come back.

- Why ... why he stayed ? W

- ... For all of us. For the dragons, for the village, for his father and mother for me , for you ... For all . It remained to end this war.

At this time, I imagined all sorts of things , all kinds of ... end .

- But ... He will be killed ! The only way to stop this war is to beat Drago ... why did you not obligate to come with us? Drago will hurt him !

- You were hurt, he asked me to bring you back and put you in safety, you and others, I assure you I have tried everything , tried everything ... he would not listen .

That's it, my tears flowed alone. In my heart , I felt so bad , so guilty . I do not know why also . He saved me , I was back to my mother and then ... I do not remember . And if he was hurting him because of that ? It is true that it is a bit odd as a theory ... But deep down, I felt so bad. I cried , cried . Gobber looked at me as if he pitied me. He had to take me for a crazy.

- Astrid please tries to calm you! You are still in shock, I know that they hurt you over there. But please calm down you, Hiccup is going to return...

He lowered the look.

- At least I hope so.

He blew

I looked at him, eyes remplient of tears, trying to calm me.

- Try to sleep a little, to rest you... We have to continue to look after you.

After these words, Gobber got up and went away. Being straightened, I lied down, trying to calm me, and closed eyes, trying to relax me. Little by little I inhaled normally and dried my tears, even if at the bottom of me I was still sad.

I did not know why, but a part of me told me that that badly went to finish. It is not because I do not believe in Hiccup, of course that if I believe in him, I know that it is capable of beating Drago and that it is possible that he returns. But... I had as, a bad presentiment. If he do not return... I do not know what I shall become without him. At the end of some minute, I eventually fall asleep. You shouldn't expect that I dream about white sheeps. No.

He made black, I was alone. There was nothing except a white light. I moved forward, held out the hand towards her and got through. Once crosses, it didn't make black. He was daylight and I was not alone any more. Stormfly was next to me, we were on the beach, and it gave me a cuddle .Then without knowing why, she raised abruptly the head, and put running towards a cave. I shall run behind her, but given that she had big legs, I can't her catch up . I entered the cave, trying not to lose sight of my wrist-strap which continued to run always so much. More I moved forward more it was dark and cold, soon I couldn't see the daylight. I saw nothing more. But I smelt about in my hand which appeared as if by magic, a torch. I called Stormfly which was, in fact, already before me. She spat fire on the torch. Ah, finally I saw something.


On the floor, bloody. I slowly approached warily. I knelt and wept face of the corpse of the man I loved. Hiccup. But it grabbed me from behind and hit me, hit me until I could not breathe, so that someone else took the corpse of Hiccup and went with him ...

Hiccup! I shouted .

Someone ran up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

- Astrid !

I cried as if I was in a nightmare.

-Astrid ! Calm down !


This person took me in his arms and hugged me .

- Chhhhuuuuuuuuuttt ... It's over. she whispered .

I cried rivers of tears. I couldn't go .

I looked up and saw that the person who comforted me, was my mother.

- Mom ...

- It's over ...

- Mom ... I don't ... I can't live ... live with all that behind me ...

- Now, now ... calm you.

- They will hurt to Hiccup !

My mother took off me and gave me a reassuring smile .

- Darling ... Hiccup not risk anything.

I looked at her quizzically .

- Ho. .. how that?

She did not need to tell me anything. I turned my head . I saw someone next to me in a bed, asleep. He had several injuries including one that had the worst air in the ribs . He wore leather armor , which seemed to damage . He had hair a little messy in the middle of this mess there was a braid. A metal foot replaced that he had lost. And he had a face that everyone knew and that made him very endearing .

- Hiccup... Hiccup !

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