•Chapter 5: Fuck This Stacy Bullshit•

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(y/n)'s POV
Chase and I were on our way to the carnival! I was so excited to finally go, I could barely hold my excitement in as we showed the ticket keeper our tickets. I laughed and hugged his arm as we went on all the different rides and played a few of the carnival games. He even won me a few stuffed animals! I was ordering him and I some cotton candy when I heard a girl start to giggle and talk to him. I kept my cool while grabbing the sticky sweets then went over to them, stopping when I saw him flexing for her and laughing. "Chase?" I asked, my eyes a bit glossy. He jumped and turned around, laughing nervously. "Hey baby!" He smiled shakily. I glared at the girl and crossed my arms. "Who are you?" I asked her. "My name is Stacy." She said, her voice snobby sounding. I growled and looked at Chase. "Can you take me home?" I asked, his eyes widening. "Aw come on baby! We can hang out with Stacy for a little bit longer!" He whined. "You mean you can hang out with Stacy for a little bit longer. I'm calling Marvin." I huffed and shoved the stuffed animals in his arms and the cotton candy down her shirt. I then left, a few people looking at me with concern. I shrugged it off then called Marvin. "Marvin the Magnificent, how can I amaze you?" I heard from the other side. "Hey Marvin... It's (y/n)... Can you come and get me from the carnival?" I asked. "What happened? I thought you were with Chase?" I let out a small laugh. "A girl named Stacy or something like that decided to- "Wait did you say Stacy?" He asked. "Yeah... Yeah I did. Why?" I sniffed. "He's had a crush on her for a while. Thats why he wanted to go to the carnival. He wouldn't have gone other than that because he hates clowns." He explained. I felt a lump form in my throat at the thought. I heard a snicker behind me and turned around to see Stacy and Chase, Chase's eyes lit up and him laughing. "I'm almost there don't worry." I heard through the phone. "A-Alright..." I said then hung up, shaking a bit as I put my phone down. Chase noticed me then gulped, laughing nervously again. "Really Chase? And to think you actually cared. I really am unlovable." I laughed bitterly. Marvin pulled up and I got into the car, seeing Stacy going into Chase's car. I started to cry, shaking softly. "Marvin... I'm unlovable, aren't I?" I asked through choked sobs. He stopped the car when we got to a red light and looked at me. "Of course not (y/n)... Don't you ever think about yourself like that!" He said seriously. I nodded and we drove the rest of the way home in a comfortable silence. I didn't believe him for a second. I know what I am and what I always will be... I truly am unlovable.

Im So Sorry... (An Antisepticeye x Reader) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now