Chapter 4 - Do You Trust Me Now?

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What up my Mias! Sorry for the late update. I know that the people who send their request are really waiting for me to do this. This is for PrincessPerona21. It is a ZoroxRobin story. And clearly people are not getting what I am trying to say. When I say plot, that means what is gonna happen in the story but it's ok. If you can't think of it, I'll do it for you. On to the chapter shall we?

It has been five days after Nico Robin joined the Straw Hats. Everyone trust her except for one person. Roronoa Zoro refuse to trust her. She was the Vice President of the Baroque Works. She could assassinate them in their sleeps.

Robin was just in her chair, reading a book. Zoro just glared at her. He always checks on her everyday so she doesn't do any funny business.

"Is there something wrong, Swordsman-san?" Robin asked not taking her eyes of the book.

"Nothing." he said.

"You know, you have been watching me all day since I joined your crew. Why is that?" she asked.

Zoro didn't look at her. He just kept on being silent until he said, "Just making sure you aren't doing anything that will ruin this crew."

"And why would I do that? I'm a Straw Hat, right? If I'm a Straw Hat, then I shouldn't betray my own crew."

After she said that Zoro and Robin just kept quiet. Not saying a word at all. Until 5 minutes later, Robin took her eyes of her book and said, "Maybe there is another story to that."

"To what?" Zoro asked.

"To your answer. Was that really your answer? Or you just covered that up?" she asked.

"And why would I lie?"

"I don't know. Maybe your in love and that you can't tell it to my face. So I guess that's why you stare at me all day." This made Zoro blush and he looked away.

"Shut up!". Robin just giggled and looked at Zoro and smiled. But the smile vanished as she saw a man behind Zoro. He had brown hair, really skinny and has tan skin. He had gun that was pointed at Zoro's head and his finger was on the trigger.

"Roranoa Zoro! I will kill you for hurting Mr.1!" he said.

"Seis Fluer!" Robin said and arms were cross. Hands came out of his body and started to make him bend backwards.

"S-stop it!". Robin ignored it and said, "Clutch!". The man's backbone was broken and he went unconscious.

"Who is this guy? And how did he get on board?" Zoro asked.

"I guess that he was one of Baroque Works. Probably sneaked in and seeked for revenge on what you did to Mr.1." Robin said.

"You called him didn't you?!" Zoro said as he went on his fighting stance.

"If I called him, I would let him kill you. You think I would call just to hurt him?"


Robin then went up to him and gave him a small peck on his cheek which caused Zoro to blush.

"Do you trust me now?"

I hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry for the late chapter. And after this I will update One Piece Musical. So this is requested by PrincessPerona21. If you want to make a want to make a request then comment on your favorite pairing and the plot. And I'm saying this for the LAST time. When I say plot, I MEAN what is gonna happen in the story. Got it? And if you want to do a X Reader then comment on who you want to be with. Vote for this chapter if you love ZoRo (it's weird how it's still Zoro even though they are combined). That is all and I will see you on the next chapter. Bye~



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