Chapter 1

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"Boy, why have you stopped?" My father asked, his deep voice like gravel. He was taller than me, nearly seven foot tall, incredibly muscular, and he had a long full beard. His skin was ghostly white and it starkly contrasted to the faded red tattoo that traveled in a spiral from his eye to his arm.

"I don't know. I feel something...strong. The hair on my arms is when standing up." I replied, pulling my bow from my back and knocking an arrow, ready to fight. My father, Kratos, pulled his Leviathan axe from his back and readied his shield.

The two of us were gods, not many things could actually fight us.

My true name was Loki, I was half giant and half god, giving me a multitude of powers. None readied me for what attacked.

A bolt of massive lightning slammed into the ground in front of us, creating a massive crater and knocking over several trees. The shockwave blew me me back roughly, but not my father. No he jumped in, swinging his axe at our new enemy.

He swung his axe twice but the man sidestepped the attacks and then threw his knee into Kratos' chest, sending him flying back and tumbling across the ground.

I didn't pause, I had seen my father take worse hits than that. Instead I rolled backwards into a crouch and charged an arrow with spiritual energy and released it. The arrow smacked into the man's armor and exploded, making him flinch slightly. "Fine then!" I called on the magical aether inside me and forced it into my arrow until it was ready and released it again, this time it turned into a massive energy wolf that charged the man.

The man pulled a hammer from his belt and swung it into the wolf, completely obliterating it and scattering the energy into the air.

"Boy!" My father yelled, charging back at the man, spinning and slinging out his flaming chained blades. As they fought trees were reduced to splinters, stone shattered, and sparks flew. Their power was more than I could keep up with so I held back, arrow ready to fly at the first opportunity.

Finally, they locked arms. My father's back was to me and he was straining against the man. I recognized the man now, Thor. Thor was the son of Odin and second strongest god in this universe.

The ground gave way and the mountain began to rupture. Our house sunk into a crevice as they pushed against each other.

"You may as well give up, Kratos. You're old, weak, and you haven't got a hope of defeating me in single combat." Thor grinned as he pushed my father back.

Kratos, being experienced in battling gods, adjusted his weight and threw his knee up into Thor's face hard enough to cause a shockwave and send the thunder god flying back like he'd been shot from a rocket.

Then he turned and sprinted towards me, "Boy! Give me your knife." I did as he said and took out the knife he'd made the day I was born. "Atreus, this knife has power, the ability to cut through one dimension and into another, but at random in an infinite number of universes."

Then tunes on the blade began to glow as he stabbed at the air and slashed open a hole into black space. "Atreus, know that I have always cared for you and your mother. I would have liked for things to have been simpler, but we do not always get what we want. I have the other dagger and if I survive I will find you someday. Become a strong warrior, because wherever I send you, the gods of that universe will sense you as a demigod from a different universe and wish to kill you."

"SPARTAN!!!!" Thor screamed in rage as he leaped towards us. My father shoved me through the void and I watched it close as they began fighting again.

I caught the dagger as I saw I had dropped it when Kratos pushed me through and instinct took over. I spun and slashed at the air, falling through the hole I had cut in space-time. My body hit the ground roughly, noticing it to bee a hardwood floor I sat up and pocketed the knife.

Several children around my age all stared at me with shocked expressions. A blonde kid in a weird set of orange and blue clothing stared open mouthed from beside me with two adults standing next to him.

"Where am I?" I asked, an adult walked over and squatted in front of me. He wasn't very tall for an adult, had dark skin and a scar across his nose and cheeks, hair tied back.

"You're in Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves." He replied.

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