Chapter 2

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'I'm getting too old for this shit...' Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed deeply, breathing out a wave of smoke from his pipe at the young man in front of him.

'I don't sense normal chakra from him, it's almost reminiscent of Jiraiya when he uses sage mode. The boy has powerful energy but it isn't chakra. It's denser, wilder... and ancient.' He looked at the spots in the room where he knew his anbu black-op guards were located and noted their chakra signatures.  'Even Itachi is curious about the boy.'

"Let me get this straight, Atreus. You come from a land in a different dimension where you're a demigod and your father is the god of war? The god of thunder attempts to kill you and your father-," "Kratos." "Yes, Kratos, sends you through time and space using a magical dagger?" He asked, getting a nod from the boy.

'I sense no lies...' he narrowed his eyes and hit a button on his intercom system. "Get me Inoichi Yamanaka, I want this boy's memories evaluated." Minutes later a blonde man arrived and stood just behind Atreus.

"Mind Transfer Jutsu."

Inoichi blinked. He found himself in the largest mind scape he'd ever been in. A massive valley with beautiful trees with orange and red leaves. 

It was cool, the breeze blowing leaves his direction.

There was a large deer with blue crystal horns and bright blue eyes standing on a small glowing pond of water. Inoichi felt something large brush against his leg and looked down to find a pure white wolf with pale yellow eyes with slits for pupils.

A massive eagle, easily the size of a horse, landed on a nearby boulder and the three animals stared him down.

"We are the boy's godhood. What do you seek here, mindwalker?" The wolf asked in a growling type voice.

Inoichi kept his body language submissive, just in case they were actually gods, and replied. "My hokage sent me to look over the memories of young Atreus, to be certain he isn't a spy."

"Hokage? Interesting. I take it he is your leader." The wolf padded forward and turned to face him. "I will allow this. Follow me, mindwalker."

Inoichi followed the wolf, thoroughly perplexed. He'd never encountered a mind like this, as if the boy had a bit of creation inside his mind.

The wolf led him over a path, then they came upon a skinny black wolf, chained to the ground. It's orange eyes studied him and Inoichi felt something urging him to help the creature.

"I wouldn't do that, mindwalker. Every demigod has power beyond most normal humans, and that power can manifest with his feelings. This creature is Atreus' darkness. Should he give into its mindset he will 'feed' it and it will grow strong enough to break the chain and fight myself. The winner would decide the fate of Atreus' soul." The white wolf growled at the black one, making it cow and stare at the ground.

Inoichi followed the white wolf further down the path,  coming to a stop in front of an ocean. Inoichi could feel the grains of sand in his sandals and marveled at the details this mindscape had.

"Step into the water, mind walker." Inoichi did so, the water walking technique automatically tried to help him walk across it but at his third step he fell all the way into the water and was dropped into Atreus' memories.


My eyes snapped open, I could feel a foreign presence in my mind. I gripped hold of the foreign entity and cast it out, grunting in pain.

Inoichi stumbles for a moment, catching himself on the back of my chair. Then he looked at the old man in front of me and spoke. "He's telling the truth, and is many times more powerful than he looks."

"In his world he and his father are considered to have god like strength, and their gravity is much heavier than our own. I weight one hundred fifty pounds here, there I would be nearly eight hundred pounds. This means that any of the frets I saw in his memories are roughly seven times stronger here, and he and his father did some amazing things. For the time being he is stuck here with instructions to become a powerful warrior to protect himself until his father finds him." Inoichi told the hokage, getting a nod and Hiruzen looked me in the eye.

"Would you like to be a ninja, boy? We can help you become quite powerful." He had me at 'boy'.

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