Chapter 5

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"Ninjutsu test time. First up Shin Asuko." Naruto ignored that, focusing on releasing as much of his chakra from his body as possible to have greater control. Atreus just crossed his arms and leaned back, patiently waiting.

Atreus had no last name so he went next, being Atreus comes after Asuko.

"Alright Atreus, perform the transformation, substitution, and clone technique." Iruka said, getting a nod from Atreus.

Atreus closed his eyes and his body changed. It's skin darkened and he grew taller. His hair grew and a scar appeared across his face. He recently learned he had the ability to shape shift, meaning it was truly imperceptible to even the strongest doujutsu considering there was no chakra involved.

Then he preformed the substitution and clone techniques as Iruka before shifting back to his normal form.

"Very impressive, Atreus. I expect great things out of you." Iruka told the boy happily.

Finally, they called Naruto. Naruto cursed, he needed a few more minutes to expunge the right amount of chakra to give himself enough control to do the E-rank clone technique.

Naruto stood and walked over to the room, getting a thumbs up from Atreus.
Standing there in front of Iruka he used the clone technique, turning into Choza Akimichi, the largest person he knew, to use a bit more chakra. Then during the substitution, where most students used a paper or book he used a desk to add to the chakra cost.

"Alright Naruto. Do the clone technique." Naruto nodded and closed his eyes, he could feel his chakra saturating every cell in his body. The problem with using such a small amount was it was a spa ark compared to a bon fire.

He could barely feel such a small amount of chakra to use, so he did what he was best at. He improvised.

Naruto summoned not two, as required, but nine clones. They were a bit pale but were serviceable, so Iruka gave him a passing grade. He'd done it! He'd become a ninja!!!

________thousands of miles away_____

"Brother, I know you sense it. There is a foreign god gaining strength here." A tall man with a bald head and bright yellow eyes said. He wore white pants and a golden katana at his side.

"I know, Fūjin, but I welcome the challenge."  A man in full samurai armor looked back at him with blood red irises with black corneas.

"Hachiman, must you always want to fight? This god may not mean us any harm." An elderly man with a third eye on his forehead replied, his body hidden by thick robes.

Hachiman scoffed, "it figures Kami would want to ignore it, how about you three? You deal the most with the humans." He pointed at three other gods who sat at their elaborate table.

"I have no quarrel with him." Spoke a very tall god with purple skin, yellow eyes and black teeth. He wore a white robe and his power was stronger than most of the people in the room.

The woman to his left licked her lips. She was tall, had flowing black hair and one pitch black eye and one piercing blue eye. Her body was perfect and she only wore enough to leave something for the imagination. "Quite frankly I'd settle for a man with better looks than you lot."

"Shut it, Amaterasu." Hachiman grunted and looked to the last god, "And you?"

"Haven't killed anything in a while. Could be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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