Chapter 3

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"Alright Atreus, I'm going to set you up with this apartment. Your neighbor is a fine young man who also lost his parents." I felt a pang if sadness as I thought of my father. He may not have been the most affectionate father, but I knew he cared and I loved him, just as I loved mother.

"Thank you." I told him, too deep in my thoughts to notice the blonde sprinting towards us. I felt the thud against my chest as he slammed into me and fell back.

"Dammit! Hey, what's the big idea standing in my- oh hey old man." I quirked an eyebrow at the energetic blonde boy. He was the same height as me with bright blonde hair and deep blue eyes. There were whisker birthmarks on his cheek and he looked.

I could feel something powerful when I looked at him. He had levels of energy almost comparable to my father. "Is he a god too?"

Hiruzen choked for a moment. "Why would you ask such a question?"

"His energy. It's massive. It's bigger than even mine, and I have stronger energy than every person I've sensed near me since arriving." I told him, I could feel something else. When I closed my eyes, I reached for it.

"Human.... no... something else. What are you?" My eyes snapped open and I found myself face to face with a massive creature. For the most part it looked like a fox, but had humanoid arms and nine tails. Also it was over a hundred feet tall.

I stood my ground, having a father liked mine tempered any fear I might have of the creature. "My name is Atreus, som of Kratos. Who are you?"

The fox blinked, as if assuming I wouldn't have asked his name, then leaned closer. "Your body is filled with power. Just like my father's had been."

"What the hell is going on?!?!?!" The blonde asked as he sat up from his spot next to me. He looked up at the fox and his eyes widened in fear for a moment. The fox's eyes narrowed and I held up a hand, "Listen. He isn't going to hurt you, as long as you don't try to hurt him."

"Stupid child, my container is too weak to hurt me. Leave this place." The giant fox waved a tail, creating a wave of wind the sent the blonde and I tumbling.

When I looked up I saw the concerned gaze of the hokage. "Are you alright, Atreus?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'd just like to know why this kid has a giant fox living inside him." Hiruzen' slips fell from his lip and his eyes widened. Then he sighed grumpily, "I'm getting too old for this shit."

I pulled the blonde to his feet, he looked between myself and the hokage. "I kinda wanna know that too, is that the Kyuubi?"

Hiruzen nodded, then told them the story of how Naruto became the jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox. (I won't be retelling it bc I'm lazy and if you're here you probably already know it).

"So Naruto, that's it. That's the reason the villagers hate you." Hiruzen told him sadly. Naruto looked like tears were about to fall from his eyes so I spoke.

"I don't hate him. People hate him for containing something that hurt them, if that's true then they hate him for saving them. Naruto, you aren't the Kyuubi." I pulled a knife from my shirt and showed it to him. "This knife is a weapon, able to kill easily. But when I do this." I plucked the sheath from my shirt and placed it on the blade to cover it. "It becomes safe." Then I poked him with the sheathed knife in a ticklish spot, getting him to laugh and jump back.

I grinned at his expression, "See? You are what makes the fox safe."

Hiruzen nodded sagely, "Wise words from one so young. I think you two will get along marvelously." He turned and left us to our own devices, not knowing how quickly we would become friends.

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